SS amps for merlin vsm

I am using merlins with AA prestige SACD, Filarmonia amp and cardas GR
cables. would like to buy a SS int amp. ($ 5000) How is plinius 9200 with merlin vsm. anybody tried this ?

thank you
Masilu, what about the Ars/Merlin pairing is falling short for you? For many folks it has proven to be a magical pairing, but obviously not for you, but in what way. What changes in sound are you looking for? More of this...less of that, etc.
Burson PI-160 is capable to drive these babies without a problem. You can take a look at it.

i feel the bass is not very continius and not full..... overall sound is not smooth ....always keep me wanting more...
i just heard a jadis amp, 30 watter with merlins and it was sounding better than fila and merlin....
and heard a old full linn system and was sounding better than merlins of course ... 2 other audiophiles also felt so

i want to keep my looking for another amp which will bring out the majik of merlins
Was the Jadis the Orchestra of DA-30? Those Jadis integrated are wonderful indeed, if a bit overpriced, but alas....
Try a Yamaha a-s2000 integrated amp, its got that nice warm sound of the Luxman class A but the Yamaha is not congested in the upper mids/treble. Yamaha a-s2000 is a Classic that we will talk about for a long time!