SS amps for merlin vsm

I am using merlins with AA prestige SACD, Filarmonia amp and cardas GR
cables. would like to buy a SS int amp. ($ 5000) How is plinius 9200 with merlin vsm. anybody tried this ?

thank you

socrates7 .. i am using all cardas golden reference (power cord,interconnect,speaker wire).any other thoughts..I DO HAVE A BASS ISSUE ...less BASS....I WILL BE HAPPY IF ITS 15% MORE

i had tried red wine audio integrated long was giving a very relaxed presentation..may be what i tried was with less power didn't go for it

which pass amp xa 30.5 or int 150 ?
will reserch on plinius sa reference...8150 was good but it was pushing the sound too much for my liking, opposite of the red wine audio i tried

will have a look on BAT integrated too

a highly experenced merlin owner suggested BELLES, BELL, BLUEcircle

@ Masilu,

I too use Belles. Currently have the Belles 150A Reference amp fed by a Bel Canto SEP2 tubed preamp (no longer in production). Love the combination.
Denvelle, have you ever had a tube amp with your Merlins by way of comparison with your Belles?
If you're okay with spending on cables (and if you have GR then it seems that you are), I'd try and get my hands on some alternative cables. Don't ignore those power cords, either. I've had spectacular luck with Clarity Cables. Best freakin' bass I ever got out of my Merlins when hooked up to my big Plinius amp. Wow. And yes, the mids and treble were maintained -- and in comparison to the Cardas, even extended.

As for Pass, I'd go for an integrated. Class A is very fun, but will "push" more in the mids than a Class A/B will.

You could also try a Luxman. The ~$4k L-505u is a startlingly good integrated (see the reviews) and the $10k L-509u is one of the best amps I've ever heard, period. The Class A versions you might find a bit syrupy.
@Pubul57 - yes, but it has been several years and on a different set of speakers. I had the Rogue 99 preamp and Model 88 power amp with the TSM-SE's and then the TSM-M's. The midrange was just ridiculously palpable, almost "wet" with realistic tonal color. The Coors (female singing group) sounded utterly real with the Rogue...(and here comes the "but") - BUT I ultimately preferred solid state power amp because the bass was a bit slow and muddy in comparison, and Merlin speakers (in general) have too great a coherent sound to introduce any lag. My current setup is with the VSM-MXe's with the latest Master BAM and RC networks - still don't plan to go with a tube power amp, but would never give up the tubed preamp. Just a great combination....