Which Pre-amp. match with Krell KSA 200S Pow. Amp?

Dear all,
I had Krell KSA 200s Pow. Amp and B&W 804s, I find pre-amp for this package. So could you pls help me which pre-amp macth with this package?
The Quicksilver full function preamp has an extremely low output impedance and seems to work well with just about any amp. If you want a tube preamp the Quicksilver is a pretty safe bet.
Hello to my mind, and I have extensive experience in brand Krell, you would have to get a KRC HR, or KRC, with respect to the Krell have a hard sound, I tell you any experience with them
They are absolutely had filed IC cables and powercord very high level, with them will get a sound very musical and dynamic, more like valves but with the extention of the solid state,
Regards Adrian

Regards Adrian
Thanks for your comment.
I agree with thesoundhouse,The Krell power amplifiers to sound a bit bright,thin Mid low and a little dynamic absence!That's why I find a pre tube.
My firend suggest that I should choose Aesthetix Calypso's warm sound and good dynamic.
So, Do you think that is best choice? Who is the bestter choice, pls help me?
How about BAT tube pre? 32SE, 5i