6922 tube recommendations

A couple of years ago I purchased a Musical Fidelity x-can headphone amp. I followed MF's directions and left the thing on all the time, and eventually the tube burnt out. I bought a cheap replacement and it sounded like crap. Specically it had way too much noise to be enjoyable at moderate volumns. I basically haven't used the amp since then.

Given that my wife has been busting my chops for playing my music too loud at nights I was thinking of bringing this amp back into the rotation. However, I need to replace the tube before even considering it. Does anyone have a recommendation for a good 6922 tube? tried searching the forums w/o much luck.

Please look at the tubes being sold by member "Tcscata"

6H23 are perfect for 6922. I use them in my tube buffer and they sound fantastic! I mean better than $200/pr tubes for much much less. Just check them out before you buy.
I 2nd the 6h23 Voskhod rocket logo's that Koestner recommended
They are the best that I've heard. In my system they bettered siemens halske, amperex orange globes as well as 7308's.
I suppose Upscale Audio has some decent tubes, but the service isn't what it used to be. The people on the phone are not that knowledgable and they refused to take my order over the phone.