can anyone recommend tube amp for dartzeel preamp?


I have the dartzeel preamp and dartzeel amplifier combination and love it. I would like to have the choice of a tube amplifier to use on occasion to give me a different feel/sound. Can anyone recommend a tube amplifier that is synergistic with a dartzeel preamp. I will be using it probably 2/3 for vinyl 1/3 for cd. My speakers are moderately efficient 93db floor standing evolution acoustic mm2 with a powered woofer. I am not looking to break the bank as this tube amplifier would be as a secondary amplifier so am setting a budget for an amp to buy used on audiogon at $3,000. I am thinking something between 50 and 75 watts would probably be right.



The only "current VAC amp" that is point-to-point wired is the Statement 450. I remain skeptical that it is, overall, equal to or better than the Renaissance vintage of amps. It does not appear to be a triode circuit and it is not biased fully Class A. It's also a high-powered design (i.e., loss of transparency and delicacy) that almost certainly uses feedback (disaster), and the output tubes are pentodes. The Kevin Carter-designed Renaissance amps were all-out efforts from the late 90's, when the company was flush with cash from the great economy and its contract to make the Marantz Model 7 /8B /9 reissues. VAC is still a great tube gear manufacturer and it stands behind what it makes, but those days are gone, I'm afraid.
If you want a real tubey, syrupy sound, I'd look into a used Cary V12R. They're 50 watts triode or 100 watts ultralinear. You should be able to pick up the V12R at under $2500. The CAD-120 mKII may also be worth a look, but I have no experience with it. I can't comment on how nice the V12R play with your other gear though.
Don't agree with you. Kevin will tell you his latest amps including the 300.1 sound better than the vintage 300B. The 300.1 does have a triode switch. Class A does not necessarily make it a better amp.
Vac poweramp (vac phi200) would be one of my candidates to mate with your dartz pre-amp.
My recommendation is the SAS Audio Labs Ultralinear 50 watt monobloc amps. They list for $3500 and are autobias. Steve is a gifted designer and these amps along with his 11A preamp are stellar. His products are also known to work well with other gear both solid state and tube. I haven’t heard the dartzeel, but I am aware of its reputation. I have heard other very high end solid state and tube gear, and to my ears the SAS will go toe to toe with the best of it. I therefore believe the SAS amps would sound fabulous with the dartzeel preamp and give you that slight alteration of flavor you are looking for. Another plus is that SAS has a 30 day money back guarantee, so, if the sound is not what you envisioned you can return them and try something else.