can anyone recommend tube amp for dartzeel preamp?


I have the dartzeel preamp and dartzeel amplifier combination and love it. I would like to have the choice of a tube amplifier to use on occasion to give me a different feel/sound. Can anyone recommend a tube amplifier that is synergistic with a dartzeel preamp. I will be using it probably 2/3 for vinyl 1/3 for cd. My speakers are moderately efficient 93db floor standing evolution acoustic mm2 with a powered woofer. I am not looking to break the bank as this tube amplifier would be as a secondary amplifier so am setting a budget for an amp to buy used on audiogon at $3,000. I am thinking something between 50 and 75 watts would probably be right.


Your friend does have high standards and expectations for his price range. But again you`re right , if he can buy a 70/70 amp for only 3 grand that is without any question an outstanding bargain. He would have top tier sound and might prefer it to the much more costly darzeel, any way I`d love to hear that system with acoustic jazz and classical music.
Well the VAC 70/70 looks like a real I just have to find it for my 3k budget. There is one seller on Audiogon but its 4k. Luckily, I am a patient person.
How about an EAR 890 70wpc & EAR 534 50wpc....

I find the 890 dynamic & relax amplifier.


Good luck