power conditioners

Idid not have much faith in this unit. I was baseing it mostly on lightening and stray voltages which where I live
wasn't a factor. At my bros house I saw and heard what happens when you overload your rig. He turned on an a.c. unit and you could hear some sort of interference and it was troubling to say the least. When the wallet says yes that's the next piece of my modest set. Hey, I'm learning and do take in opinions and read info so call me the sponge
Pure Power APS cetainly made a large and immediately audible difference. I have used it for 2 years now, on all the time, 100% reliable.

The next thing to consider, is adding a Quantum Q4.
I had a Shunyata power conditioner in my system, (although I don't remember which model number), and found it better than most, but I still preferred it out of my system. I feel no need to experiment for "improvements" now.....perhaps a rebuild of my cartridge, but not quite yet.
I use the Belkin PureAV PF60. Retails for about $800, but you can get them for $200 new at this point. I live in an old home, so for me it made a nice improvement. I'm actually getting 120 for the first time ever.

It was most evident in my video system, as the brightness is very noticable. Hope it helps.

I made some interesting experiments. I have both a Shunyata Hydra and a Panamax. I have two systems, one music only in one room and the other a Plasma TV & theater. I put the Shunyata on the music system, then took it out and repeated. My sound was better with the Shunyata, but only a small improvement.

Next I did the same with the Panamax on the Theater. With the Panamax I could "see" and hear better picture and sound.

I put the Panamax on the Stereo and the Shunyata on the theater. I took them in and out and carefully listened. The Panamax on the stereo made no difference and maybe made it sound a tad thick and flat. The shunyata did not do much for the TV and theater but it made slight improvements.

My conclusion was the Shunyata made an improvement in sound quality on stereo and it remains in the system. The Panamax is staying in the theater and you can really see the difference on the TV.

Good Luck, and this is a "LOT OF TROUBLE" by the way.