Help power pair of Infinity Kappa 9's please

Hi all!
I have a pair of Infinity Kappa 9's:
Nominal Impedance: 4 to 6 ohm
Power Rating: 60-340 watts RMS
Efficiency: 102 dB SPL @1 watt, 1 meter
Crossover Frequencies: 80Hz, 800Hz, 4500Hz
Frequency Response: 29Hz-45kHz +/-3dB
Physical Attributes:
1x - SEMIT Supertweeter
1x - EMIT Tweeter
1x - 3" Edgewound Voice Coil Polydome Midrange Driver
1x - 5" Polypropylene/graphite Diaphram Polygraph
2x - 12" Cast Frame , L/C Tuned Woofers
Dimensions: 59.5"H x 21.5"W" x 8"D

My room is 12'x12', I have $2500 budget and would like to play music off my computer. I need amp(s), a preamp, and a DAC i guess (is the DAC necessary at my low of a budget range?). I know my budget is low so I will be shopping for very used/old equipment. If anyone has any experience, suggestions, or words of wisdom, they would be very much so appreciated.
I think Bongiorno's Ampzilla would be a good candidate to drive those kappas.
Perhaps one of the Bel Canto integrateds......NEW.
Get the one with the USB DAC.

A PSAudion GCC series integrated of 100, 250 or 500 / side with something like a DACMagic. ??????? I guarantee the 250 watt ICE module'd GCC would work.

Is there any phase data on the Kappa 9?

I have HEARD that the EMIT / SEMIT type driver doesn't like distortion or overload. Is this true?

If true, I'd sell 'em and get pair of Cerwin Vega. If people are partying 'pretty loud' I doubt anyone is in the mood for nuanced presentation of 'the sounds'.
The Klipsh? Them too!

If the 'system' is now up and running, what exactly is wrong with it? Last amp die?
Thanks Driver, I appreciate it. I understand, I'm getting old, I have been in or around this business for 32 years.
Sometimes I bite a bit too fast in my old age.
As far as the Ampzilla above? As I stated in other area's, I used to sell Sumo. Jim B. has told me that the Andromeda is nearly an arch welder, that it will run nearly to a dead short. I've never tested the Ampzilla, but I hear that it sounds a bit better than the Andromeda, but a bit more tempermental. I'd be surprised if it would run the Kappa's if you ran it hard at all.
Driver- There are people sending me messages to my email because they do not want to hear the criticism and abrasiveness that they feel they would receive in this thread. I ask how to get some creative input on how to drive these speakers, and what i get the most of is "don't even try, you're wasting your time, just sell them" If that's not discouraging and at least slightly unappreciated then I don't know what is. Sorry, they are my babies, and when I get into a room full of people saying I can never do it and just get rid of them I get a little frustrated. I really do appreciate all the input, and what I have learned is that the general opinion is that I could do better for myself by replacing them.
no i inherited the speakers without any amp Magfan. And yeah Ive been looking at some cerwin vega's they look especially sturdy also, good for a party environment! and good prices on them. Do you recommend a particular cerwin vega model?