Looking for a new tube preamp

Currently using a Cary AES DJH preamp with various 6SN7 tubes & NOS EZ81 rectifier. This is an excellent sounding preamp with point-to-point wiring. Looking to upgrade. Would prefer very realistic uncolored preamp, even better than what I have. What can you suggest? Running a McCormack DNA-1, driving Von Schweikert 4.5 speakers. Silver interconnects and speaker wires, multiple turntables and CD/SACD player. I've read some good things about the Shindo Aurieges. Not sure if its output impedence is a good match for the McCormack. Also thought about Modwright. Upper spending limit is under $4k new.
DeHavilland Ultra Verve is way above your current preamp and uses one 6SN7 so you can roll the tubes you have. Different rectifier, but the tubes last forever. Kara Chaffee is excellant also.