Do Spectron Amps have faulty switching modulators?

I'm in the process of buying the new Musician 111 MK.2 ultra
with the upgrades but have been told by several Audiophiles
that their modulators are not reliable and break down suddenly. If this is true, is that a current problem or with
previous generation amps?
I own two monoblocks for a few years now (one was purchased used) and I never had any problem. I enjoy immensely these amps (w/Joule-Electra preamp) driving my new power hungry Sasha by Wilson.

I am sure that some amplifiers failed here and there - in exact manner as other well established amp did. Its obvious.

The REAL question must be: what was a customer service? Did they hold this amp(s) months and months, did not answered e-mails and phone calls ? Were unresponsive etc?

From my own experience, Spectron has one of the best customer service around. Cetainly much better then most I encountered.
Another dumb unsubstantiated rumor.

Consider the source here folks.

Actually ignore the source.
Audiofeil. I am not out to trash Spectron and like most,
am well aware of their history since 1974. I am not a dealer or related to any company. One of the sources is a former Spectron retail dealer out of New York who dropped the line two years ago. I just wanted to confirm his statement and check it out. The answers to my question confirms these statements are indeed rumors and I will move forward with full confidence and purchase the Amp.
No need to make a snap judgment just because I question
a switching device.