ipod as source?

is there any way to get audio signal to a vdac dac other than buying a wadia unit. or the decco ipod unit? by now you would think some body would help us out with this situation.
Try Digital site for this query, which I do not understand. What are you trying to accomplish?

i want the digital signal from ipod without using the internal headphone amp or dac that sounds less than stellar. i realize apple has the digital out coded and the wadia or decco or a european only toshiba or onkyo dock are the only tools to do this presently. just wondered if anybody knew some other way.....thanks
I think that's about it.

I went with an Apple TV. Think of it as a 160gb iPod with an optical output. Far easier and more fun to control too. If you don't want a TV in the room, use an iPod Touch or iPhone as remote.
thanks. lots of good ways to get around the ipod thing. i,m using a ibookg4 to stream. i,m sure one day soon someone will make a unit. the wadia is nice but i,d rather just buy more music than duplicate another source anyway. just like to use all the toys ha