ipod as source?

is there any way to get audio signal to a vdac dac other than buying a wadia unit. or the decco ipod unit? by now you would think some body would help us out with this situation.

That cable doesn't bypass the DAC in the iPod. It bypasses the amp in the iPod. And yes, it should definitely sound better.
I gave my nephews cables for their ipods some years ago that bypassed the volume control and amp of the ipod, and even they (not audiophile hobbyists) noticed the sonic improvement.

As for bypassing the ipod DAC, I wonder what Apple is charging firms for the rights and/or hardware to control that. It does seem like any available components to do that are expensive.

Tried both the Onk and the Wadia digital out docks. It is a giant myth that the iPod DAC is inferior. The headphone stage is inferior. Tap the fixed audio from the iPod dock connector on the bottom of the unit. Route this trough a preamp or good headphone amp and be prepared to be blown away assuming your files are not overly compressed.
took your advice and started using a dock and the sound improvement was great. not as good as thru my vdac and cd player but still much improved