suggestions for preamp/amp combos

Hi, just wanted to get some friendly suggestions for preamp/amplifier (can mix and match freely) combos that produce warm yet clean and not overly bright acoustics. Pretty vague, eh? Anyways, looking to keep the price tag under 3-4k for the used combo, would be driving larger monitors, maybe Spendors 2/3 and larger (love the British sound), no subs, or etc. Generally listen to acoustics, both classical and modern, but can mix it up with Pavarotti to Portishead. A big fan of Audiogon and lurker for many, many years.

Big thanks to everyone in advance.
QuickSilver and Spendors are a great match. I use this combo and they are made for eachother.I do not think you need to buy used with the budget you have.
I know you said pre/power,But I love my ARCVSI60>
And it will drive any speakers.
I agree that with your budget, you do not have to buy used. I am currently in the process of obtaining and evaluating a new pre/power combo, and so I will have to get back to you.