Modwright LS 36.5 or BAT VK-51SE

I've got it narrowed down to these two preamps. Any thoughts?
Do you think a balanced TRL Dude would be a better choice?
Roor (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
Having never heard one, I can't say. However, you should be aware that it is not a balanced design, which Knghifi alluded to when he mentioned pseudo balanced XLR inputs/outputs.

Contact TRL and find out if they would be using transformer coupling to convert to balanced operation, or if the XLR outputs/inputs would simply be wired single ended (like RCA>XLR adapters).

Also, ask about the output impedance specification, so you are certain it will match properly with the XA-60.5 input impedance.

If one cannot tell the difference between 3 entirely different preamps, I'm not sure if I would consider that a curse, or lucky.

At least it makes life simpler.
09-30-10: Rtn1
If one cannot tell the difference between 3 entirely different preamps...
That's not what I wrote. I did not say the preamps wouldn't sound different. My comment focused on the degree of difference and whether it would be worth the expense.

Of course, we all perceive sound differently, and what I consider a small difference others could consider jaw dropping.

If the OP wants to experiment, then I agree completely with the advice offered in your first response in the thread.
I think these preamps would have a world of difference between them. All good, all different. In the right system, the best out of the 3 could mean the difference between magic or dull.
Rtn1, your comment about the right system is pertinent, and it's the criteria on which my comment was primarily based.

The OP's electronics are differentially balanced, and they are about as dead nuts neutral as one can get (Esoteric digital source, Pass Labs amps and preamp). Having owned the same amps, and presently owning an Esoteric digital source with which I've used several balanced preamps, I still believe the degree of change will be rather small compared to the expense.'s just my opinion, and buying a used Modwright and a used BAT and trying them would certainly answer any questions for the OP.