what the best amps run revel salon2 stronger bass

hi!can some one let me known what the best amps to run for the revel salon2 for stronger and deep bass thanks. im thinking about these amps .mcintosh 501,pass lap ,classe,mark levinson,but i never hear thems can some one plesse.
Actually I own a Pass Labs XA 100.5 amp. It is quite good, but I also own a Clayton M200 amp and it is better in just about every category I can think of. The Clayton is the most true to the signal of any solid state amp I have evr heard. And it has 200 watts of glorious Class A goodness. The only other solid state amp I have heard that approaches it are the McCormack DNA-500's. The DNA-500's are a bit more liquid sounding, which isn't a bad thing, but not quite as accurate as the Clayton's. They are both significantly superior to any Krell's or Levinson's.

The above said, I would put the Clayton's and the DNA-500's firmly in Class A, with the Pass XA.5's in the upper Class B, the Levinson's in Class B, and the Krell's in lower Class B.
Hi guys! Long times no see.how are you guy's doing.
4 years from now I been trying to many kind of amps but nothing these maching to my ears .do you guys have something good new .i still keep the revel salon2,esoteric k3 CD player,wadia 861 CD player.
Does someone know about the accustic art amp || or amp |||? And I never try levinson #53 either,thanks
What amps have you tried?

I would recommend you give the Parasound JC1 mono's a try.

Maybe it's just time to try a new speaker??
If you really want more bass, it is probably either a speaker issue or a "desire" issue. The revel's are very very flat speakers. They are only giving you what is in the signal and the amps you have tested are all very good amps that are pretty flat. You may want to get an EQ and boost the low frequencies.

Another option, if you like the sound of the revel upper end is to try a pair of Infinity P363. Those speakers have a pyscho-acoustic boost in the low end that many people prefer, and have a similar sound to the revels above that.

I know it is heresy what I am saying on a high-end forum, but "good" preferred sound doesn't always come expensive to everyone. And it worst it is only a few hundred $'s which is probably less than you've lost on your amps.
With most music I've been very happy with the bass output from both amps I've used with my Salon 2s (first a Plinius SB-301 stereo amp and now Symphonic Line Kraft 250 monos). On those occasions I crave more bass - maybe 5% of the time - I think about adding subs, not changing amps.

But you do need to provide more information for us to help you. What are your room dimensions? Are there a lot of windows? What amps are you using now? What amps did you try and not find to your liking? Are you still looking for stronger bass response or is there something else you are looking for now?