Plugging Amp into Power Conditioner???

I read from a manufacturer that plugging amp into power conditioner can decrease pure power from amp... is this true???
Some line conditioners limit current; some do not. Really depends on the amp and the line conditioner in my experience.
I own a Bryston 4B-SST2 amplifier and have it via Pangea '9' from my Furman REF 20i conditioner.
I find the sound is very slightly warmer (good) and smoother (good) and clearer (good) with the Furman.
So I use it.
I decided to buy the (used) big top of the line Furman because i tried a smaller Furman on my Denon 4806 Receiver and was very pleased, even though I returned the cheaper Furman because IMO it was (retail) very overpriced for what it had inside. So I found a BIG Furman ($3,500 retail) and got it for a good price ($1,400) and could pick it up. great!
I use the Furman for the non-digital (pre/amp/Plasma TV/Receiver) and the Monster for all digital stuff.
Prior I had a Forte' 4a amp and alternated plugging it 'in' or 'not in' the Monster 7000SS conditioner I owned (and still use for digital). The Forte sound was a trade off with cleaner purer sound bur LESS bass and a leaner sound with it on conditioner, and better bass but a veil over the sound off the Monster.
Once I aquired a Pangea 9 power cord I used the MOnster as the Pangea restored the bass even though the amp was on the Monster conditioner!!
So I use the Pangea power cord still, on the connection from Furman REF 20i to the Bryston 4B-SST2
So the best course it to try it and listen for yourself!!
Any commnet is only a review of someone elses listening experience.
The 'old saw' about amp straight from wall is best is just OLD 'common knowledge' and not always actually valid for modern or good power conditioners.
The golden rule is:
Elizabeth makes some very valid points.

I have my Emotiva UPA-7 plugged directly into my wall socket which is not on a dedicated line and whenever anyone has watched movies with me they never complained about the sound.

For my 2 channel set up I have a McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe now plugged into a vintage Tice Power Block Power Line Conditioner and to me the music sounds a lot less grainy and lean. I have some improvement in the treble. It is less harsh overall.
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I have a big ass 100 watts per channel pure class A Threshold T200, plugged into my TARA Labs AD-10B Power Screen.. I find the sound to be slightly warmer, smoother, and clearer, too... controlled, but, also very slightly compressed, which I think is considered to be loss of dynamics (in the music/recording) by most audiophile's who prefer to plug their power amps directly into the wall.. But, when I plug my T200 directly into the wall, music sounds somewhat out of control and out of focus.