Preamp to mate with Pass 30.5

I own a Pass 30.5 and am looking for a preamp to match this fine amplifier. Obviously Pass would be a good choice but wondering what else others have found to be satisfying. It appears the Pass 30.5 prefers a pre with low gain on the output.
CODA/SANDERS SOUND (both Coda) will certainly have the same flavor or synergy of Pass.
Do you prefer ss or tubes?
Appreciate all the responses. My speakers are Avantgarde duo Grossos at 107DB efficiency. I've owned Joule LA150MKii a couple of years ago and it was an excellent preamp with adjustable gain on the output. I prefer tube to SS but never discount SS altogether. Balanced would seem to make sense since the 30.5 is a true balanced design. Certainly a zero noise level is critical with 107Db efficient speakers. The LA150MKii was remarkably quiet for a tube pre.
The Joule is worth a home audition, especially if you have good memories from a prior experience. IMO, the Joule and the Pass were perhaps more similar than different, and the combination went a tad too far into a rich and smooth presentation. While it did some interesting things, I ultimately found it dull for my tastes. I am sure that many will find such a combination quite pleasing. I have appreciated the BAT for providing a dynamic and clean synergy, also with low noise plus a balanced design. I think you are correct to worry about excess noise with the Pass and your very efficient speakers. Which is again why you should narrow down to 2-3 preamps, and do a home demo.
Now that I see your speakers. I would also get a few more suggestions on tubes. Good Luck, Tim
I like Conrad Johnson tube preamps with my 30.5 and 100.5's. I started with their CT-5, then ACT 2.2 and now their ART 2 and 3. I haven't heard but feel confident in recommending their older Premiere 16 and 17 if budget is a concern.

These are very pure in design: Just one gain stage, pure class A, no negative feedback and no cathode follower.

If I hadn't found these, the Joule would be on my short list.