Does my Pass amp dislike my Meridian preamp?

My Meridian G68 (preamp/processor) has been acting up, and my Meridian dealer suggested that the symptoms might be caused by an interaction with my amp, a Pass Labs XA30.5. I have consulted with a trusted Audiogon member, who doubts this theory. So I would like some more input. Here are the symptoms:

1. Meridian G68 freezes up. Neither the remote nor the front panel buttons are responsive. Must be unplugged and plugged back in to work again.

2. After it freezes and I power it down, sometimes a loud “popping” noise is emitted by the speakers.

3. In August, the Meridian G68 stopped working altogether. It was repaired by Meridian America. They replaced the power button and the power supply. But now the symptoms are back.

Thanks for the input so far.

Elizabeth - The Meridian is plugged into a Shunyata Hydra 8, as is the amp and the rest of the system. The Shunyata is on a dedicated line.

Waiting to hear from my dealer. I will report back with further details.
+4 on the dealer being wrong and I would guess the repair was incomplete, ie the damage to the power supply was caused by another fault in the pre. If the work is under warranty just keep taking it back...
Just heard back from my Meridian dealer. He has changed his mind. He no longer thinks the Pass amp is causing the problem, which seems to be the nearly unanimous opinion here.

I will be sending the unit back to Meridian America for diagnosis and repair - the second repair for what is likely the same problem. Unfortunately, the unit is out of warranty. :-(