Does my Pass amp dislike my Meridian preamp?

My Meridian G68 (preamp/processor) has been acting up, and my Meridian dealer suggested that the symptoms might be caused by an interaction with my amp, a Pass Labs XA30.5. I have consulted with a trusted Audiogon member, who doubts this theory. So I would like some more input. Here are the symptoms:

1. Meridian G68 freezes up. Neither the remote nor the front panel buttons are responsive. Must be unplugged and plugged back in to work again.

2. After it freezes and I power it down, sometimes a loud “popping” noise is emitted by the speakers.

3. In August, the Meridian G68 stopped working altogether. It was repaired by Meridian America. They replaced the power button and the power supply. But now the symptoms are back.

About a week after I received the G68 back following the first repair, I sent it off to be modded. The mods turned out great, but now I have voided any warranty associated with the first repair. I should have waited longer to see if the issue reappeared after the first repair. I just assumed that, because it was fixed, it would stay fixed. That was a mistake.
Is it possible that the mod has created the problem? Maybe something not done correctly etc.?
I doubt the mods created the problem, because the symptoms are identical to what happened earlier this year leading up to the power supply failure in August, which all happened BEFORE the mods.
Things just got a little more complicated. The center channel, which is hooked up to the Meridian G68, but not to the Pass Labs amp, has developed a problem. It has distortion that was not previously there. It sounds almost like a bad driver, except it is coming out of all the drivers (I tested this by unplugging the various drivers).

The distortion is not coming from upstream components, because I swapped out every upstream component, and the problem still persists. Therefore, I believe that the crossover in the center channel has been damaged.

Perhaps this is a coincidence, but that seems a bit unlikely. It seems more likely that, whatever is wrong with the G68, it has caused damage to the crossover in the center channel.

Does anyone have an idea about what can damage a speaker's crossover?
Bryoncunningham, its almost impossible to damage a crossover without also damaging the drivers. If there is indeed a crossover failure and the drivers OK, you can be assured that the problem was just in there waiting to happen and it has nothing to do with the amp or preamp.

How do you know that the amp driving the speaker is OK? Did you try it on a different speaker or the speaker on a different amp?