Upgrade Tube Integrated or Buy Separate Pre-amp?

My first taste of tubes came last year in my Jolida 202a integrated. I'm hooked for sure, and looking to upgrade and some point soon. The jolida sounds really good, however my concerns with it are the typical ones. These are mainly around clarity, ability to handle complex music/speed and bass. Simple girl/guitar music sounds incredible, as expected. Classical is decent. Rock is pretty much awful.

I am considering 2 upgrade paths: 1) Buy a used tube pre-amp and use with the jolida as a power amp or 2) sell the jolida and purchase a used higher up integrated (PL, Cayin, Rogue, etc).

Budget for a used a pre-amp is about $700, used integrated is about $1200.

In this price range (for used) are tube separates or a different integrated the way to go for value and sound?
As Phaelon said if your paying to have the mods done think it through. You will loose money if you want to upgrade. I got a 502 for a steal and did the work myself.

I know the preamp didn't make much sense to me at the beginning either. It would seem that your just adding something to the signal path. The Jolida is basically a amp with a volume pot. But after reading about it in some forum's I tried it. An it made everything better. Sound stage wider and deeper, extension on both ends. Even my wife who loves music but thinks I'm a little nutty with this hobby sat and listened. Her first words were wow that sounds amazing. Doesn't sound like the same amp.

I'm not one to put things into the signal path. On the contrary. In fact I took out balance and selector controls. You can try it by putting your volume to about the 12:00 position an plug in the preamp. Not as nice as the volume control removed but it will give you a good idea.
Assuming I were to buy a used preamp to be used with the Jolida, any recommendations? To make it fairly easy, I'd be looking for tubes, a remote and under $800. I doubt there are many good contenders given those requirements.

So, to restate my original question, I am wondering if in the price range of around $1500 used is there better value in tube separates or an integrated amp? Maybe this is too vague a question, I realize there are a lot of variables. It does not sound like upgrading my Jolida is the way to go (since I can't do the work myself, the return won't likely be worth it). Can I get something that's a HUGE step up from the Jolida for $1500, or would I have to go higher for that to be a slam dunk?
if you plan to keep the jolida, changing to better parts would definitely improve.
If not, suggest you purchase a better int amp.
"Can I get something that's a HUGE step up from the Jolida for $1500, or would I have to go higher for that to be a slam dunk?"

Nobody can answer that question for you Nolitan. Getting the best sound possible out of a system involves so many variables it's almost mind boggling. You might relocate your speakers and get the type of results your looking for. On that subject, matching your speakers with the correct amp is about as critical as it gets. If you want to play complex music, your amp must be able to provide power on demand, and some speakers are much more demanding than others.