Would you pay to listen?

Just curious, would you pay to listen to a
$100k system? Say a one hour session for twenty bucks?

Assuming the room is great and you have vinyl and cd and your choice of solid state or tubes. Also assuming you'd have the best matched system that $100k could buy.

How much would you pay to hear a $200k system? No pressure or expectation to buy anything, just plunk down your twenty and enjoy the music. BYO drinks of course.

I'm sure I'd pay if there were such a place.
hi dcstep:

perhaps i have misunderstood what you said or you have misunderstood what i said.

this is not a moral issue.

i bought many recordings. i paid for them. i occasionally attend live concerts. i pay to hear musicians perform.

the sound of a live concerts is so superior to that of any stereo system, that i will not pay to listen to a stereo system.

i hope that puts the answer into its proper context.
Mrtennis said:

"the sound of a live concerts is so superior to that of any stereo system, that i will not pay to listen to a stereo system."

If you've bought LP/CDs or any type of software and you play it on a system that you paid for, then you "pay" to listen to music on a stereo system.

Many people, not you I think, don't pay for their software, chosing instead to steal it. That's a moral issue that's, unfortunately in my opinion, more widespread than it probably should be.
Mrtennis said:

"the sound of a live concerts is so superior to that of any stereo system, that i will not pay to listen to a stereo system."

Sometimes it is...many times it isn't. That will depend hugely on the venue, where you sit/stand, how well the engineers have set things up, and the mood of the performers on that night. There are a ton of variables, just like in recorded music.

I've heard unbelievable concerts, and I've heard terrible ones. I'd gladly pay to listen to a really well recorded performance, instead of those crappy ones. :-)
hi dcstep:

you have completely misunderstood this thread.

the intent i believe is to pose the question:

"would you pay to audition a stereo system at a dealer's show room" ?

i have answered this question by saying that i would not because, i would rather pay a bit more and hear live music.

for those who entertain the posssibility that a stereo system can sound better than a live symphony orchestra is like saying a picture of a person is preferable to the person.
Nothing was said about a dealer Mr T.

You're welcome to read anything you like into any question, just don't tell me how to respond.

I answered when I said that I paid to attend audio fests, like RMAF. There's no pressure to buy anything in that situation and the listener gets to hear a wide variety of systems, many costing much more than 100k.