ARC-Ref210 vs ARC-Ref610T at medium levels ??

Hi, I am planning to upgrade my ARC Monos to a high-end model. I already decided to go for a new model, meaning the Ref-210 or the Ref-610T (and not the old Ref-300s or Ref-600s).

I would like to know if someone who had a chance to compare the Ref-210 and the Ref-610T amps could give me feedback about the sonic differences at medium levels.

I am aware of the other differencies between these two models (price, size, weight, power consumption, max output power, number of tubes,...).

I would like to ONLY know how they differ in terms of sonic QUALITY at MEDIUM listening levels in a medium sized listening room of about 400 sqft (and yes, you're right - in terms of max output level I do NOT need the 610T).
The other components are all high-level quality, so if there are sonic differencies I would profit from them.

I want to get a feeling if there is a significant difference in terms of quality of sound, and if there is any - is it worth the double price?

I do hear most styles of music (classic, rock, 70s-90s, only some jazz,...), so my question is not related to a special type of music.

Thanks in advance to everybody who might answer!
Hi Dev, I know what you mean. This is why I drive a Mercedes 12 cylinder, a Bentley and an old Rolls Royce. They drive more relaxful at lower speeds, you dont hear them, yet you know: if you need power, it is simply there, silent and mightyful. Its the same with big tube amps. I dont need them due to playing at maximum levels all day long, I want them because the low/mid levels sound so great, they dont mean any effort to such systems. Interesting that you once prefered the Ref3 over the Ref5.
I never heard the Ref3 (because everybody says the Ref5 is better anyway). I just can say that the complete sound "image" differs enormously between the Ref2 and the Ref5: when I heard the Ref5 the first time (it already had 300 hours on the tubes, so reasonably burned in, no excuse there) I was close to being disappointed. The sound quality was excellent, but the Ref2 was much more direct, wormer, unbalanced in a nice way. And the Ref2 has a bit more bass level at the lowest end. Having "corrected" the bass level (by adjusting the subwoofers differently) I concentrated on the mere sound differences. The Ref5 is much more precise, first impression is a bit analytical (as far as this can go with a tube preamp). The soundstage is wider and deeper and seems to be a bit more away from my listening position. It is more neutral, better balanced (in terms of voice vs instruments). The voices and instruments are a bit clearer, everyting seems to be better "seperated", less "mixed up". But it does not miss the ARC/tube sound as well. Once getting used to the Ref5 sound, the Ref2 sounds less clearer, the bass too whoppy, and the whole sound picture unbalanced (more bass, voice determines more) and somehow more "mixed up".
But I am not sure if the Ref5 would always win against the Ref2 if someone has only limited time and can only do a short comparison. The Ref2 is easier to adopt when hearing it the first time (especially when upgrading).
Anyway, I am now adict to the Ref5, so the preamp decision is done. The issue with the power amps is simply that is it much less practical to test them at home, simply because the transportation is a project by its own. Also switchin from one amp to another one is an issue of cable lengthm stand position,... With a 13kg/27lbs preamp that
is easy... I usually try to have components fro ARC that are from the same "generation", so I would prefer the 210s for that reason to the 300/600. They also have fewer tubes, need less input power,... Nevertheless the 610 still might be an intersting option. I will try to find an opportunity to compare them one to one (even if is not in MY listening environment, but at least it should be the SAME for amps). Thanks for all your inputs! Enjoy the music!!
Hi Ozatschek, nice cars I also have a couple of Mercedes AMG models and really like Bentley and Rolls.

I did not mean to come across the I prefered the Ref3 over the Ref5 just that if you were looking at the cost factor the Ref3 is a real deal although now that the Ref5 has been out for a while the used price has come down. When listening too the two I would not say "BEST" but differ just as you refer to your Ref2. Audio in general is like that, really going to come down to your preference, rest of your components etc.
Hi Dev, good to know that you did like the Ref5! But you are right: the price difference became rather small: a
one-year old Ref5 with 300-600 hours on the tubes and still 2 years of warranty is approx 7.5k€ (some 10kUS$), and a 3 to 5 year old Ref3 with much more hours is around 5k€ (some 7kUS$). I think the price difference between the two models is not so much - and it will stay in that order of magnitude, so once I upgrade to the Ref-Anniversary (oh, I have to sell the Royce...) I will get more refund for the Ref5....