Yamamoto A-08S and Audio Note ANe

Would the Yamamoto A-O8S be able to drive Audio Note ANe LX HE speakers?

The Yamamoto A-08S is a great amp but it does not have sufficient power to drive the AN speakers properly. Neither do the Wavelength Lightning 45 or the Audio Note Neiro.

I have the speakers in my showroom and have had all those amps here for extended periods.

Believe whom you choose.

Dealer disclaimer
Your comment regarding the correlation between price and performance in high end audio rings so true. To a certain(but limited) degree you do get what you pay for, however they`re many exceptions to this rule. It takes patience, good advice and mostly trusing your ears, otherwise it`s very easy to spend lots of money yet end up with a poor/ mediorce sound and much frustration/disappointment.
...I did mean to say that it is not the right /best amp for the AN speakers and not that it is low end in sound.
Glory - fine, except for the fact that this is what you originally said:
Why would you want to run such a cheap/low end amp on the AN speakers?
To quote from Cool Hand Luke "what we have here is a failure to communicate."

Audiofeil - Bill, I have frequently run 2W-8W SET amps through my older AN-E/Ls. Worked fine and sounded great in my small 2-channel room. Pairing a Sun Audio SV-2A3 3.5W amp with the AN speakers was a sublime experience.
To Br3098,
It may have worked "fine" but you have not heard what the speakers are fully capable of doing.

Been there, done that.

Thank you.
Hi Glory,

I fear you are in error regarding the quality of the Yamamoto. The beauty of such an amp is the part count is very low. There is no need for lots of expensive parts, just a few well thought out ones.

Maybe it is expensive if you consider it costs around 3K for 1.4 watts!

Dont believe the hype. This little amp left many very expensive and exotic amps behind in my set up. Though my speakers are sensitive enough for the low power output.

Unfortunately I doubt the A08s would drive the ANe to loud levels, unless you have the HE model. I think you need around 100db/watt sensitivity to enjoy any 45 tube.(regardless of amp quality).