Amplifier for Magnepan 20.1s

I currently have Magnepan 20.1 speakers driven by Pass Labs X250.5 amp with Audio Research Ref 3 Preamp and Ref 8 CD player. Pass Xono phonostage, VPI ref superscoutmaster/Dynavector xv1s cart. My room is 16'W X 26'L X 10'H. I have a dedicated 30amp circuit breaker for this room only. I am considering changing my amplifier. Should I upgrade to the Pass Labs X350.5, X600.5, or should I go with the Audio Research Ref 210s (since I love the sound that was created since adding my other Audio Research products but the Ref 610Ts are out of my range and also would probably draw too much power for my circuit to handle). My only concern: is there enough power to produce a dynamic sound that wont go mushy in the bass? What should I do?
Just curious about cost. could someone just list 'em in order of cost?

20 series maggies are a hi-$$ speaker, and maybe not enough are in circulation to get the 'buzz' going? I think known Magnepan characteristics trump this, though.
With proper synergy of upstream components, I'll bet that any of the ref'd amps will work just fine. Bi-amp? You Bet!
A few people out there would even add Mac to the the form of the large monoblocs. Others may like the Spectron amps.....
Bi-amp. Definitely. I have never purchased a pair of Magnepans without the dedicated intention of bi-amping them. I learned this over 20 years ago, and it still passes mustard.

I've been accused of being a "brand-name" guy, but you really need to check out ARC FIRST - all the others, except perhaps Levinson, are also-rans...
I have the 20.1s also and for a while ran the Pass 250.5 with them. I went up the line to the 600.5s and the Magnepan speakers came to life with them. I have not had an inclination to bi-amp as many have suggested but you may want to consider that option. The 600.5s paired with the Magnepans are a great match and after many changes in my system I can say this is a combination for the long run. I have considered trying the XA line as suggested by Teajay but I simply don't have the desire to change the combo at this stage.

Good luck with your search.
Sanders amps. He has one just for magnetic planars about 1000 WPC . I have heard his other ESL amps and they are superb.
Another choice is the widely lauded Wyred 4 sound. It is a class D, but 6 moons said was warmer sounding than the Pass amp Sjean just happened to have in at the same time. That must be something and the price is quite low. I am happy with my tube amps driving cones and domes otherwise I might consider one quite seriously for myself. I never did figure out how to biamp, thus I won't buy one just for my woofers.
Great discussion my friends. Keep them coming. Right now I am using my Pass 250.5 with a double bi-wire with audioquest volcano cables (I upgraded the cables recently from mont blancs single bi-wire and the difference was amazing). Question for Mitchchavis: Do you run your 600.5s through a power conditioner? I have a Shunyata Hydra 8 that I run all my equipment through including the X250.5.