Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
ditto on twl on quiet vestigial enlivened silence vs. SS blackness or voidness. Listen to pre with music and the space will be what it supposed to be.

twl, I can't stand it anymore! You have a great system, really know your analog, and the Magus is a fine pre (I assume you've got it tweeked), BUT, YOU HAVE TO GET A SYRAH!! At your point of appreciation its simply a CRIME that you can't get into one. I don't care if you have to find pennies in behind the sofa cushions and starve, GET ONE as soon as you can!!

There, I feel better....

Bwhite, very happy for you. A guy with a great system told me a couple of months ago that his Aesthetix external PS, NOS tubed, two box IO w/ vol. pots direct into amps inched out the Syrah in a couple areas, and I believe him (perhaps in his system), but for the $ in one chassis, there is NOTHING that touches the Syrah. Everyone should tell the gurus to stuff it for their next purchase and get one (then do the same with a Teres TT, also a great value).

Incidentally, my Syrah didn't like the Bybee Sig conditioner I had around; likes to be plugged directly into the wall if you can believe that (!).

Would be interested to hear what PC's you guys have tried on it. Thanks in advance.
Twl - I am in full agreement about analog. I always thought if I threw enough money at it, I could make digital sound "right" and truth is (as I've discovered), my expectations were not realistic - in the least. Analog is right - out of the box.

Asa, you might be right about the Syrah phono stage being heads and shoulders above most and not far from even the very best. However, when I first began my analog lust - I compared the Syrah phono to a Michelle Dichrono feeding the Syrah's line stage and the sound was magical both ways. It was tough call which was better - both configurations had merrit (added liquidity going direct to Syrah Phono and blacker background with the Dichrono into Syrah line stage). Truthfully, I would be happy with either setup but I'm thinking the Supratek Grange will suit me best!!
As you guys probably already know, I am currently going broke trying to pay for my custom prototype Berning amp. The preamp is next on the list, once I recover financially.

But listen to this, you guys. This amp(under construction now) is a hand point-to-point wired, no circuit board, 12vdc battery-powered, Single-Ended Triode, Zero-Hysteresis OTL(ZOTL), hand-wound choke-loaded, Type 45 tube amp with Emission Labs Mesh-Plate 45's, and Sylvania NOS 6SN7's, built by David Berning himself, with all his latest experimental tweaks, and layout dictated by shortest signal path without regard to convenience or style. It is one of a kind in the world.

You wanna talk about transparency? When was the last time you heard of a Single-ended Triode OTL? With Mesh-Plate 45's? The guy at Emission Labs where I got the $425 tubes, said that it sounded to him like the "Holy Grail" of amplifiers. Just imagine a Syrah in front of that!

What I would really like to do is to talk to Mick, and get him to build me up a custom battery-powered Phono preamp with ladder-stepped volume controls, dual mono, with no line stage considerations other than the minimum necessary to acheive the preamplification of the phono signal. I don't use anything else but phono in my system. No CD, no tuner, no tape, just phono. With a straight thru design, as much as possible. That would really be cool!

That way, I could go from the cartridge to the speakers with no transformers at all in the signal path, or in the power supplies. And no AC line grunge to contend with. Just pure clean battery DC power all the way through.

Yes, Asa, the Magus is tweaked well. All re-capped and re-wired, and re-jacked. It does real well, but I know that there is room for improvement. With this new amp, and a really well-designed phono pre, this system will be as clear as a plate glass window(with the window open!). It is not too far from that now. I can hear those Mesh-Plate 45's directly driving my Lowthers now, in my imagination. Straight from the tubes to the drivers, with no output transformers, and no crossovers, just straight wire from tube to driver, in Pure no-feedback Class A. Awesome!

Excuse me while I drool, but this is TOO much fun! I am anticipating this amp, just like you guys are anticipating the arrival of your Supratek units. This has got to be at least half the fun of getting it!

I am just loving this audio thing with all my heart and soul. I can't imagine having any more fun than this. I really hope that all of you are having as much fun as I am, with your own systems.
For those of you experiencing noisey tubes, you might want to try Hal-O tube dampers. I read about them in the Tube Asylum and ordered them for all of my Chardonnay tubes (they are cheap), as well as my DAC tubes.

They made a tremendous difference. The clarity took a big leap forward, the weight of the music increased (the strings especially have more body), imaging is more specific (massed strings) and the background is much, much blacker.

The best money I have spent in a long time. This is a very audible tweak. It seems that my system lost a little air, but after listening, things sound more real with much more detail. I much prefer this sound by far. I think the air was simply high-freq hash disquised as air.

Not affiliated in anyway with these Hal-O things, just a "shocked" and very happy owner.
twl, you have me drooling too!! Yea, the Berning is a keeper. A custom Supratek in front of it makes my knees go weak. Not much experience here with the 45 tube; so scarce and expensive try to keep myself from going places where my wallet might begin to scream these days. I'm with the WE300B and like it, but the choked amp, custom tweeked has me berry, berry envious!!

Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm.