Sonus Faber Stradivari amp: X600.5 or X1000.5 ?


I want to know which power amp is better for my new speakers (Sonus Faber Stradivari) combined with ARC REF3. Ive just listened a few days ago the X350.5 and i loved it so much. Right now i have a pair of MC-501 but i'm a little dissapointed of them when i try to listen to some complex music like rock and others. Is X1000.5 a good choice for it or X600.5? The X1000.5 have 2000 wats in 4ohms?
Anyone listened to both of them. Let me know.

How can that be? A lowly "60 WPC" class A amp slugging it out with a "250 WPC" class A/B and coming out on top?

Pass haevily underrates the output power of all their XA series amps. The lil XA-30.5 was measured in Stereophile, and turned out to put down over 130W @ 8 Ohms vs advertised 30W.

OK i got it. But my next question is: how loud can i turn a 92db+ speaker with 160WPC on class A if im gonna change my order from X600.5 to XA160.5. I mean how many db i will have at max volume.

The impedance of my speakers is 4 ohms. So this means the XA160.5 will double the watts. So this will means over 320 WPC. That will result in even higher volume. I think over 114 db. Something like 117-118 db...
I suspect the XA160.5 will have more than enough power, and is superior to the X600.5 (which I owned). The extra class A power provides the ability to play music more cleanly at a high volume. The remarkable thing about extra class A is the control at climaxes, with preservation of the soundstage. If the X600.5 can play louder, it will sound more harsh and congested, and the soundstage will collapse.

You may need to be open to try different preamps.