Sonus Faber Stradivari amp: X600.5 or X1000.5 ?


I want to know which power amp is better for my new speakers (Sonus Faber Stradivari) combined with ARC REF3. Ive just listened a few days ago the X350.5 and i loved it so much. Right now i have a pair of MC-501 but i'm a little dissapointed of them when i try to listen to some complex music like rock and others. Is X1000.5 a good choice for it or X600.5? The X1000.5 have 2000 wats in 4ohms?
Anyone listened to both of them. Let me know.

I asked Kent at Pass about the XA100.5 versus the X350.5 driving a difficult load. He told me that in listening tests, the panel preferred the XA.5 and mentioned sonics but also its ability to control low frequencies and low impedances speakers. My speakers are a 4 ohm load and only 86dB efficient, so I switched from the XA100.5 to the XA160.5. With your speakers, you should have no trouble with either, IMO. I suggest you talk to Pass Labs and then demo a pair from RENO HIFI or a local dealer to be sure before you buy.
Ive just ordered a pair of XA160.5. In max one month it should be here. Thanks for all advices and i hope i will be very happy with my new pair of amps.
Ive just received the pair of XA160.5 yesterday. The sound is very good but it still needs some break in time. Does anyone knows how long it takes for XA160.5 for full break in ?
Congrats. I still remember that the magic began after 5 days. Seemed rather stable after 7 days of continuous play. Big, open, effortless is what you'll hear with the break-in. They probably sound closed and slightly raw right now. Good, but not quite right.

To this day, I cannot tell a difference from powering out of standby vs. the end of the day of listening. This is suprising because my system is ultra sensitive to the slightest pertubation. The X600.5 needed 4-6 hours of power before they started to congeal.
I didnt power off since i got them yesterday and now they have about 20 hours of music play...10 yesterday and 10 today...and i'm gonna let it sing more. The difference since yesterday is not that big. I think this 6 big 25.000uF capacitors needs like 600 hours for full brake in ?

PS: the power is more then enough for my Strads. Playing at very loud levels and the metter dosent move at all. So this means it dosent leave class A. I just tried on some metal music at extreme loud and it started to move a little. :)