Rowland 625 versus Audio Research DS450

I'm a big fan of Rowland Products. I heard the 625 at CES and was rather impressed by its huge solid soundstage, and the detailed yet mellifluous sound. I was rather depressed by the price tag. I was hoping it would be in Rowland 501 range.

I also heard the Audio Research DS450 with Magnepans at CES. While the sound was very relaxed and tube like, I didn't hear as much bass, as I would have liked. Perhaps it was the speakers or the recordings played?

I noticed both manufacturers avoided the term Class D or "Ice Module" like the plague. I think Class D has become a dirty word among some audiophiles...

Any other thoughts on how the sound of the Rowland 625 compares to Audio Research's DS450?

I would like to save up for one of them. The DS450 or even DS225 seem like they might be "better bang for the buck" (in relative terms). Appreciate your comments. Tks!
OK Al..Its my understanding the 120db level has nothing to do with SPL but the limit the amp can reach equivalent to the current output that equals a 120 db level. This has nothing to do with speakers, just the current level the amp puts out equal to 120 db's. Beyond that, the amp could not sonically perform.
My apologies. I had no idea this thread was revived in July!

- Audiozen, Guido or others:
Just curious, what are the key sonic differences between the Bel Canto 1000M and Rowland 625, other than raw power...?

I'd be curious if anyone has had a chance to listen to both amplifiers. Appreciate your thoughts.

Perhaps the 1000M is a bargain, in comparison?
Optimus, Bel canto Ref1000M and Rowland M625 are both magnificent amps... They are in fact among my very favorite amplifiers, and they both deliver their own special kind of musical grace, in a way that is largely consistent with their price difference... Perhaps they are both "bargains" in their own right.

However, I have not heard yet the new ARC DS450, monoblocks, and I am admittedly extremely intrigued .... as DS450 amps are priced exactly in the middle between Ref1000M and M625.

Appreciate your comments, as always. I have the Rowland 201 monoblocks. I like them, but my main complaint is they seem a little bit "sterile". The music seems to have less guts.

Just curious, do 1000M's seem to have "soul" like the Rowland 625's, which keeping the musical detail...? As far as you're aware, are there big sonic differences between the Bel Canto "M" and "non-M" versions? Tks!
Optimus, your findings of Rowland M201 are consistent with my own observations. M201 tend to run out of steam reasonably easily. They do also sound very clean, but in themselves, M201, which are based on the ICEpower 500 ASP modules, are not the most musically involving amplifier I have heard. On the other hand, Rowland M201 cannot really be compared to the Bel Canto REF1000M monoblocks (previously called REF1000 Mk.2). REF1000M use the much more powerful ICEpower 1000 ASP modules, also used in Rowland M501..... and I have NEVER heard any of them run out of steam, nor falling off in dynamics or authority.

Bel Canto REF1000M is a slightly warmer-sounding and more nuanced amplifier than Rowland M501, while Rowland M501 may edge out REF1000M in transparency and quiet background.

There are 2 versions of the Bel canto Ref1000 monos.....

The original REF1000 monos, which are the warmest, slightly less extended, and paradoxically have some minor jarring in the treble.

The REF1000 Mk.2, later renamed REF1000M, which are more extended than the original, not quite as warm, and and in my opinion yield a more musicaly satisfying and delicate treble.
