Shindo Monbrison better a RedWine Isabella?

I'm consistently intrigued by the Shindo gear, and I'm eyeballing a Monbrison pre to replace my Redwine Audio Isabella pre. I've currently got the system synergy thing going with RedWIne 70.2s (all Auditorium cabling, Devore Nines). Am I barking up the wrong tree here and about to destroy a good thing, or can I expect higher levels of audio engagement with the Shindo at the heart of things? Thank you in advance.
Jonathan, while we have you can you please clarify once and for all, do the Aurieges and Monbrison match with lower impedance SS amps?
Helpless before the seductress that is music reproduction, I parted with cash on a used Monbrison yesterday. It'll probably arrive in another week or so. I'll be sure to let y'all know how system synergy changes, if at all...
Westexdent - "Helpless before the seductress that is music reproduction" - A fundamental truth for many, including myself.

Congratulations on the Monbrison! Shindo preamps are so incredibly musical. I had an Aurieges and after nearly a year moved up the line to the Masseto. You are in for a musical treat!

The first Time i connected my AuriegeL to my Consonance Cyber 211, i knew that Nirvana was a reality