Shindo Monbrison better a RedWine Isabella?

I'm consistently intrigued by the Shindo gear, and I'm eyeballing a Monbrison pre to replace my Redwine Audio Isabella pre. I've currently got the system synergy thing going with RedWIne 70.2s (all Auditorium cabling, Devore Nines). Am I barking up the wrong tree here and about to destroy a good thing, or can I expect higher levels of audio engagement with the Shindo at the heart of things? Thank you in advance.
Enjoy the Monbrison. I currently have the Vosne-Romanee and it's a joy. It's so nice to finally get off the upgrade merry go round and spend time focusing on the what matters - the music.
I've had the Shindo Monbrison in my system for a couple days now. It does indeed sound wonderful. So does the Isabella from RedWine. Which one is better? To my ears in my space, it's not a hands down no contest. They definitely sound different. I'm not yet positive which one I will keep. I want to let the "new" wear off and settle in with both units a while before making a determination.
In the event you decide to sell the Monbrison, I just have one question - Where does the line form?
Sorry it took so long to respond. Long story short, I decided to hold on to the RedWine Isabella and let Matt Rotunda (a real gem in the audio industry who was a joy to work with... you're in luck if he covers your area) of Pitch Perfect Audio have back the Monbrison.

Upon immediate listen, the Shindo Monbrison had a larger soundstage, more bass kick, and possibly a more seductive midrange (and a low level of sibilance that was only apparent when directly compared to the RedWine). Upon longer listening sessions however, my ears preferred the non-fatiguing smooth sound of the RedWine and its batteries. It must also be noted that the Isabella had the advantage of system synergy in an all Red Wine system, and Shindo reportedly likes to be surrounded by Shindo gear. As an aside, I've decided to try a pair of boutique NOS tubes for the Isabella as I feel that could make a better improvement on my gear after hearing some in the Shindo.

In conclusion, both pieces of gear sound exceptional to my ears, and I would love to own both. At this point, I cannot, and I had to make a decision one way or the other. At this level, I think it's definitely different strokes for different folks. I tend to listen to my rig intently during longer periods to relax. Who knows, a year from know my preferences may have changed, but for now I'm a RedWine guy.