Does Aesthetix calypso match with Krell 200s pow?

I now want to change my pre amp, but a lot of pre amp in my intend to choose. So, could u ple help me to correct me with aesthetix calypso pre. Or Krell KRC 3? My system: 803s B&W speaker, Wadia 830 CD, Krell ksa 200s pow amp,...
Dear Rwwear,
I do not understand what's ur mean?As far as i know: KRC3 higher KRC2 and lower KRC HR?
Aesthetix is very good, but I do not know very much about the tube so will be causedifficulties for me. Krell KRC seri pre seems like a reasonable choise, next time if I have more $ I change pow, Speaker higher will swicth pre tube.
How do you think?
Offline69, the KRC2 and KRC3 were made at different times. The KRC2 preceded the 3 and many feel that the proverbial "improvements" Krell claimed did not result in a better sounding product. Many people feel that the KRC-HR is the best of the family (so to speak), followed in this line by the 2.

With your B&W speakers, I would stick with SS preamp if you are not comfortable with tubes. Though they are not as scary as some make them out to be - both the hardcore tube rollers and those that warn of tube failures happening all the time, the high risk, etc. . . Tubes in a preamp are pretty easy and you can get some great advice. If you do go to tubes at some point, the preamp is a good starting point.
My Krell price list from 1995 shows:

KRC HR $6900.00
KRC-2 $3700.00
KRC-3 $2950.00

The 3 was a newer design but the 2 was still current and considered a better product at the time.

US Dollars
@Ckoffend: thanks for ur help.

@Rwwear: at the pric of ur: Krc2 more than Krc3? In my place, KRC2 price lower KRC3 and KRC higher both left?
Can anyone tell me what the differences are between the KRC, KRC3, and KRC HR preamps?
Thanks for any help.
My pricing was from the official Krell US price list from 1995. Also Krell's tech and sales rep at the time told me the 2 was a better preamp.