Pass Labs X250 - Good Match for my Apogee Stages?

Greetings all,
I was wondering if anybody has an opinion on the Pass Labs X250 amplifer paired up with my Apogee Stage speakers? The Apogees needs a 3 Ohm load to make 'em sound good. I am fairly sure that this amplifier will be able to deleiver the power, but has anybody out there heard this combination? If so, please give me your feedback.

Many thanks in advance for any and all opinions.


Can the Stages be biamped? I'm thinking ss for the bottom and tubes on top but you may want to keep it simple.
Pass Labs Class A stuff sounds the best but you got to stand the heat. Otherwise the answer is a solid Prolly and don't use tubes on these speakers. IMHO its a set up for blowing the tube amp to smithereens or just eating tubes all day if you live up to your name. This is advice coming from an all tube guy with cones and domes only however.

I used an Aragon 4004 which worked very well with the Stages and would save you a ton of money vs the Pass Labs.

Good luck.