Hafler XL600 Vs Hafler 9505 Much difference?

Hello all, I am new here and still learning to navigate the website. I have been out of audio for a number of years. I had an old Hafler XL600 years ago and really liked it for the price. I am thinking of getting into audio again and am considering purchasing either an XL600 or the newer Hafler 9505/9500. I have read there have been a lot of improvements in amplifiers in the last decade. Is that true? How much difference is there in the amps I am refering to? Would I notice a difference between the XL600 and the newer amp? I hope to purchase Boston Acoustics VS336 speakers to go with this.
Any info would be helpful.
Hi Transnova

Is it possible to replace the stock Hafler XL600 fan with newer fans that can operate quietly but yet still put out a decent amount of cfm? I like the look of the XL-600 and would opt for that amp.
I'm not sure about replcing the fan.It would solve the problem for me.I have always been aware of the fan when it runs at lower listening levels/during quiet passages.Other than that,I think the XL-600 is one of the greatest amps ever made! It has a big,dynamic,natural sound.Brass sounds like brass,piano sounds like piano.I get much of the same character(w/o the fan)in my current favorite--Muse model 160.
Even though the XL-600 is very powerful,it is not great into tough loads(Like Infinity Kappa 9).The 9505 is much better in this regard.
Hi Larry,
I will give you a call. I am actually overseas right now.

Thanks for the help,
Hi Terry,
It was nice speaking to you(until we were cut off).I have not heard the VS336,but am a fan of Boston Acoustic Speakers.For a mass market speaker company,they always gave you alot for the money! I owned the VRM-50's and thought that they were very nice bookshelves,but a tad forward/bright.One of my early home theater set-ups was the micro 90 system,which used the VR tweeter and gave the user a touch of high end at an affordable price.That system still lives in my son's bedroom.I would think that most BA speakers would be easy to drive and that an XL-600 or 9500 would be overkill.An XL-280 or a 9300 shold be more than you need.The 9300 was a very sweet sounding amp.Like the 9500,it was Stereophile class B recommended. I believe that the reviewer actually preferred the 9300.The Hafler P3000 came after the 9300/9303 and was also a great sounding transnova amp.