Sanders Sound preamp vs. Innersound?

I just recently picked up a Sanders Magtech amp to drive my new Maggie 1.7s and I am now searching for a preamp to join the party.
I was originally thinking I wanted to go with a tubed pre:
Modwright, SWL 9.0 sig., or new LS100.
Cary SPL-98
ARC, LS17 or LS25.

I just noticed 2 ads for a couple of Innersound preamps here on AGon that look very attractive.
The Innersound pre would be the perfect (solid state) match but I am guessing it would be much more of a neutral sounding pre, than any of the tubes units I am considering?

I think from neutral to warmer, these would ranked as:
1: Innersound.
2: ARC.
3: Modwright.
4: Cary.

Does anybody have any experience with the sound of any of these brands and if so, how would you compare the Innersound / Sanders to them?

How does the Innersound compare to Roger's current Sanders preamplifier, I know they look pretty much the same but how much has he done to improve it?
Check out my Coda Windows 4 ad. Sorry to bother here I couldn't figure how to do a direct message.
So Sanders newish Magtech amplifier is a Coda design but using his own linear voltage regulator power supply?
Soundlock, I'm becomming very interested in the Magtech. What amplifiers have you owned in the past?
This is off the Coda website, not trying to sell anything here, just saying what Coda says about manufacturing Innersound.

Innersound DPR-500
This unit is the finest example of this amplifier ever constructed. We should know we were the OEM supplier. It uses upgraded caps, and a more powerful transformer than was used on the original production units. This unit has been designed for 330 Watts RMS. This is a lower power than the original version into 8 Ohms in order and maximizes the ability of the amplifier to drive very low impedances. As a result this amp will double power into 4 and 2 Ohms and is stable into 1 Ohm. The original DPR-500 was optimized for electrostatic speakers and functioned best with loads 4 Ohms and above. With the demise of innersound this fantastic amp was left in a partially assembled state for some time until it was decided that it would be criminal not to complete it. To make it distinctive it was finished in a dark instrument grey as can be seen in the images.

The amp features :

* 330 Watts per channel into 8 Ohms
* 660 Watts per channel into 4 Ohms
* 1320 Watt per chhannel into 2 Ohms
Precision Bias Class A operation to 15 Watts,
sliding to Class AB at higher output level
* 12 VDC remote turn on (RJ45 connector)
* AC-coupled unbalanced input and true DC coupled balanced input
* Large Paddle Au Speaker Binding Posts
* Double-sided gold plated circuit boards
* 3.0 kVA toroidal power transformer
* Low-impedance power supply filter capacitor array
* Power supply status indicators
* 10 year warranty / 5 year transferable
* Designed, manufactured and assembled in the USA
1 Unit Available - Regular Price $14000 - Sale Price $9500
"Roger can now operate it as he deems best. For example, he can now offer lifetime warranties"

Doesn't the warranty expire when Roger decides to call it quits? Is there a long term plan in place for that?