Ayon Triton for Wilson Duettes?

I have the Wilson Duettes in a relatively small living room. Currently driving them with ARC LS17 and SD 135 ss amp. I love the sound of tubes and have heard the Wilsons do well with tubes. Would I be crazy to trade the ARC gear for the Ayon? Also,is Ayon reliable equipment?
Bajaokla - I've had the Ayon gear since May of 2010. I bought from USA tube audio - Very knowlegable staff. Read the reviews in The Absolute Sound - Mar 2011 isssue. I am considering Magico or Wilson audio speakers for this combo of mine. Right know i have customized Sonus Faber with Revelator tweeters & crossover.
Speaking of the Duettes if you don't mind me chiming in (apologies), do they have that nice Wilson detailed bass without the titanium tweeter's edginess I hear?
RGS, to me the beauty of the Duettes was their external cross-overs. The speakers are delivered with various resistors to tailor the sound to your likes, room, speaker location, etc. . . I don't recall if th tweeter was the same, but I think it is the same as the W/P 7 or Sophia?

But the resistors were the key. They should have integrated this design into the W/P, IMO.