Tell me about "tubey" tubes.

I own pair of Quicksilver mini monos driven by Quicksilver's phono and linestage (A23 transformer and Zu DL103 or Grado Sonora1 mono if you want to swim that far upstream) and a pair of Prologue Sevens driven by a Three and mostly digital sources. Stray speakers follow me home, so I do not voice either for a single pair-- I like rolling loudspeakers. To keep this from becoming a manifesto on that aspect of my illness, I have about "fifteen or so" (I purposely do NOT count them) pair of classic american speakers ranging from various 1970's JBLs, Ohm 3s and 4s, Snell Es and Js, all the Spicas, Klipsch Chorus IIs to the some late-production Maggie 1.6s and Druid mk4s. I do have a few classic japanese high-wattage solid-state systems for those times when current is required, but have fairly sensitive hearing and do not generally need high power to appreciate any of my boxes.

I also run several old 1950's five-tube AM radios and a few Zenith AM/FMs. For radio, I enjoy the tube euphony. I really, really enjoy the euphony.

I'm currently listening to a lot of small-ensemble female vocal, avant-garde jazz, and space age exotica, if that matters.

Both the minis and the Sevens allow rolling of all the usual suspects, and I am aware of the basic sonic differences of power tube types. Both rigs currently utilize stock-spec tubes (2 Shuguang EL 34s and 4 KT88s, respectively), and until now I have not deviated from that. I already know what I need to get fairly accurate sound from both amps.

I don't enjoy tweaking and perfectionism as much as occasionally being whacked in the head by change, which is why I bought self-biasing amps in the first place, and now I'm a gonna use 'em. I want some simple advice: What specific varieties of EL34, KT88, 6550, or equivalents, in your actual experience, would give me the most euphonic, fat, Midrange Uber Alles, tube-colored sound? Feel free to suggest front-end drivers (12AU7/12AX7) as well, if that would make a noticeable difference. Price matters, so current production is a plus. Stick to my two amps. I'll get around to SET one day after I find some K-horns. Experience only, please. I'm not interested in second-hand speculation.
As far as I could research, tuby sound was never the one to go after, because, in general, it doesnt have the high end part that many, who owns tube gear, include me, are seaking after. From my expirience, tubes can sound delicate, lovely, lots of air and detail, glorious midrange, but at the same time, and pretty often, without tighten, deep bass and real focus or structure. And this is what I am trying to combine in every new set up I build, which means lots of tube rolling, especially Input and Driver section, however depends on amplifier you are using, because not every tube amp have the same basics, where the caps, or even IC, are playing a huge part as well. Most of the time, its a combination all together, but back to the tubes part...

I would suggest to try some Mullards in your input and driver sections first and, of course, if you use an preamp, in your pre section to. The best results in the preamp section you may get from Telefunkens, which are known for their neutrality. Input and driver sections would benefit at most from very earlier, 1950-70's production years, Mullards, but I wouldnt go later than say 1968-69, however earlier are better.

For your output section I would try NOS GEC KT88. After I upgraded to them in my PrimaLuna Prologue Two, I just stop rolling output section. I dont believe you can find a better tubes than these. They are combining the power and delicacy, but the most are their ability to reproduce the music at the most natural way.

The only EL34 I tried were NOS TESLA's and they were very good, not as good as GEC, but probably one of the best EL34 up there. To me, they sounded bit laid back compared to KT88, KT88 are very powerfull and, if you get the right one, very musical tube and the same time.
Thanks all for even more focused advice and literary allegory. Yogiboy, I don't mind less gain as the Druids and Chorus IIs are screaming with KT88s by nine o'clock on the attenuator dial...

Speaking of KT88s, I also appreciate the advice I have found here and on other threads regarding them-- I have discovered that these power tubes in the ProLogue Seven make even modest speakers such as a mint old pair of kg2s sound absolutely glorious and alive. I will probably devote the ProLogue system to KT88s and the Quicksilver to midrange (the Spicas are inherently limited at the top and bottom, so I shouldn't lose too much there and I can play my female jazz vocals through them.

Maxmad, I will end up with a neutral, extended range set of tubes, and a tubular set-- to me, this is the inherent advantage of a self-biasing tube amp.
Morgenholz, I'm curious if you ran the Quickies with your Snell E's? I'm using the Quicksilver V4's with them and I really think it's quite a nice match. BTW, am using JJ KT88's in the V4's. Thanks.
For the money and what you are looking for Genalex Reissues KT 88 might fill the bill!! I used them in Quicksilver V-4's and was extremely happy, are they as good as NOS? No! They are very good and at 1/3 the cost a great deal!!! Tube Depot matched pairs @ $109.95!!!