Is agency approval requred for all equipt

Just wondering as I have seen/owned many items which are not stamped w/ agency approvals (UL / CE etc.). This includes electronics (amps / preamps / digital) and cables (power in particular). Seems like some of the "boutique" companies do not always have agency markings. And if the equipment is not agency reveiwed / approved, is this risky for the consumer. I also wonder what liability (if any) the manufacturer holds if a fire or problem would occur. Just wondering...

CE approval is usually more expensive because it requires EMI and a host of other tests like surge, esd and so on. In addition to the test costs, many test samples are needed since most of the tests are destructive so there is additional costs.

For many small manufacturers, the cost is too high. When I worked in the network industry, I spent $200k a year for all sorts of approvals and thousands more in equipment cost.

Also, it's possible that meeting some of the safety requirements could have negative effect on sound quality. For example, to meet EMI and ESD requirements, filters might have to be installed on inputs and outputs connectors which may impact sound quality. Digital devices such as Dacs and Cd players produce lots of EMI.
Sfstereo (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

I always thought the CE mark was for Europe. The UL states
that also.

I also thought interference causing electronics (digital,etc) had to meet FCC rules, from my understanding.
Yes, CE is for Europe. FCC testing is required on digital devices but it only test for EMI emissions but CE requires additional immunity testing such as surge, RF immunity, transient, ESD and power factor correction. These were the requirements when I last did some CE testing many years ago.
Sfstereo, still, networking and audio gear would have different guidelines. I don't quite see how you could compare them (networking and home audio) rules. The FCC is always changing its rules also, for all areas of the industry.
I guess one reason for mentioning this, an Emotiva product(CD player) has a CE mark/classification on it, but still says it must accept all RF interference that can cause undesired operation. I don't see any advantage there.
Emotiva says they meet worldwide safety regulations, but have no UL listing. Also no grounds. Sort of contradicts UL, and other guidelines in some areas of the USA. It does have CE on it though. []