Why Not More Conversation about VAC?

As I browse Audiogon's posts...I'm constantly amazed at the lack of attention, questions, remarks about VAC, (Valve Amplification Company).
First and foremost, I'm thinking that most if not all of us are music lovers--and I'm not aware, subjectively, of course, of more, just out and out, musical sounding electronics. And, I don't mean that in a perjorative, 'colored' sense...I mean that in the most flattering sense.
The lack of comments may mean nothing, but it just strikes me as 'absent' from good discussions.
Second, and beyond the stellar sound, if you want great gear, and a great person to buy it from, who better in terms of accommodation, knowledge and service than Kevin Hayes. Like the Bobster (Palkovic) his reputation for building first rate stuff and then backing it to the hilt is unsurpassed.

Kevin is also a great guy AND music lover of the first order...a friend too, but I'm not shilling here, just seriously wondering why VAC isn't further up the discussion ladder.

Kinda like reading Motor Trend Magazine, in which they 'Test Drive' a Mustang in EVERY ISSUE!!!

Just wondering.

pwehaps a limited product line, lacking entry level components that people can afford.

for that matter, it seems that most of the conversation is diverse, in that many brands are mentioned designed by owners of small companies.

is there a lot of talk about conrad johnson ?

what company is most frequently mentioned on audiogon ??

it would be interesting to find out what products are viewed as favorites in their class.

what are the favorite amps, preamps, speakers, dacs, cable, accessories, etc. ?

That's a subject for another thread.
Dev, I am using Brimar ECC-88 and Mullard 12AU7 (1950's) 2 Support Square D Getter tubes in the Preamp. In the amp I am using Kevin's Chinese KT-88 and all RCA 6SN7 GTB black base tubes in the input stage. My oh my as Sulu says in those tv ads.
I can't imagine not owning my Renaissance preamp. I love the way it sounds, the solid casework, the feel of the controls, and heavy "easy to use" remote. It so severely trounced my previous preamps that there was no comparison. From the first note it was over. The VAC has a look, feel and sound unto itself that is so seductive that I don't even think about any other brand.

I also have a VAC amp and DAC which are fabulous components that have staved off numerous challengers. I did sell the Phi 110 which looked stunning all lit up. It was a bit polite on the top in my system.

Kevin has been great on the phone and I met him in person at RMAF. He treats his customers well.

If you've lived and breathed with both then I will certainly take your word for it.

mbl would not be the first tube unfriendly speaker I have heard of where someone found a way to make tubes work, usually by specifically finding a way to adapt the impedance load to the tube paradigm somehow.

It's true that if done right most anything can be adapted to work well with most anything else. The question will be how hard is it, how much will it cost, and what is the value proposition compared to the alternatives.