Why Not More Conversation about VAC?

As I browse Audiogon's posts...I'm constantly amazed at the lack of attention, questions, remarks about VAC, (Valve Amplification Company).
First and foremost, I'm thinking that most if not all of us are music lovers--and I'm not aware, subjectively, of course, of more, just out and out, musical sounding electronics. And, I don't mean that in a perjorative, 'colored' sense...I mean that in the most flattering sense.
The lack of comments may mean nothing, but it just strikes me as 'absent' from good discussions.
Second, and beyond the stellar sound, if you want great gear, and a great person to buy it from, who better in terms of accommodation, knowledge and service than Kevin Hayes. Like the Bobster (Palkovic) his reputation for building first rate stuff and then backing it to the hilt is unsurpassed.

Kevin is also a great guy AND music lover of the first order...a friend too, but I'm not shilling here, just seriously wondering why VAC isn't further up the discussion ladder.

Kinda like reading Motor Trend Magazine, in which they 'Test Drive' a Mustang in EVERY ISSUE!!!

Just wondering.

... Not so much so on the preamp.
Definitely NOT my experience eventhough I agree not broken in stock form.
Thanks for good tips on tube rolling. Which leads me to another conclusion I previously reached after reading posts by VAC owners on Audiogon -- i have been impressed with the level headed, polite and positive demeanor of VAC owners on Audiogon. Low drama and hyperbole. High integrity and helpfulness.
A question for those who run a VAC amp with VAC preamp. Which is a better connection between pre and amp, balanced or unbalanced? And any particular recommendations on interconnect between VAC pre and amp? Thx in advance for advice.

Hi Knghifi,

did you get your other tubes that you were waiting for.

What have you settled for in your pre.

Thanks for sharing.

I have found in the past when changing tubes in other gear the outcome has allot to do with the rest of my set-up, every set-up being different in one way or another so the out come not always being the same.

Personally when I heard the Sig. MK2a paired up with the Statement 450 mono blocks there was nothing at that point that I wanted to change, I liked how Kevin voiced them.

That being said I'm open minded so down the road tube rolling is most defiantly an option, fairly in expensive way to change the flavour specially when we are talking in relation to the pre-amp, time will tell.
Podeschi, I don't own a VAC preamp, just a VAC amp (the Phi 200). I agree with most reviewers that the VAC Phi 200, even though fully balanced, sounds better with single-ended than balanced interconnects. I have done some extensive auditioning of cables and can recommend Crimson Music Links cables. At $320 for a 1 meter pair, they are a real find, better than anything else I tried, which included cables that cost up to $1100. The US distributor in Austin allows an extended demo of the cables. WyWires were also quite good for the money, especially if you want subterranean and very textured bass, but the Crimsons edged them out in my setup for overall openness.

If money is no object, I would give Tara Labs' high-end cables a try, although they cost almost as much as VAC components.