What are some favorite NOS 12AX7s for phono?

I recently bought a new phonostage here on Audiogon. I wanted something made right here in the States like my last tube preamp,so I pulled the trigger on one made by Jenison Audio;the Perpetuum model. I checked and he(seller: dividebytube) doesn't have one listed for sale right now, but I have been really happy with it. I have a VPI table w/ SME 309 arm, and right now I'm running a Dynavector 10X5 high opt. MC phono cart. I have tried Sovtek LPS 12AX7 tubes and liked the treble detail and "crisp and clean" sound they offer, but I am definitely looking for more of a 3-D sound. I am open to suggestions for NOS (or modern production) 12AX7 tubes that balance detail and warmth, sort of an "updated vintage" sound. I welcome any suggestions.
I have tried Telefunken ribs, Sovtek LPS, Mullard reissues, Gold Lion, Mazda, Sylvania, Tungsol gold pins, and the pair I have come to cherish are Psvane Treasures sold by Grant Fidelity. Be sure and get the premium grade tubes for phono use.
I am using the RCA and Sylvania 5751 NOS tubes in my Aesthetix Calypso pre amp replacing Mullard and Telefunken 12ax7 tubes, quite an improvement in my opinion. Three things to condsider, can you phono pre use 5751 tubes, 5751's provide about 70% of the power of 12ax7, need high quality to avoid microphonics. Good luck.
Wow-- a lot to mull over. Thanks to all for sharing your knowledge and experience. I have a pair of RCA 5751s that the seller told me are very early production, with shiny black plates, "RCA" in tall white letters & extra mica spacers, but they sound SO different from 12AX7s in the Perpetuum that I emailed Kevin at Jenison Audio and he said that using 5751s won't harm the unit but absolutely will change the RIAA EQ in this type of phonostage. Maybe after I gain some more experience I can revisit the 5751 vs. 12AX7 issue. The Psvane tubes caught my eye, along with the Tianjin Full Music 12AX7s; both are interesting... but pricey! Thanks again to everyone for much to consider.
3D Sound stage, lush mids and extended highs:

CV4004 Brimar
Philips Miniwatt Holland
Amperex Bugle Boys Holland
Philips Holland
Mullard Long plates (early 50s)