Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
After 2 years is this preamp still amazing?
This thread has been going just short of two years. I am wondering if those who bought these preamps a year or two ago are still thinking as highly of this preamp. I am very tempted to buy the Syrah from the raves posted on this thread and have contacted Mick asking about the delay (3-4 months currently). I guess I am mulling it over this weekend. I have a pair of Von Schweikert 4.5's being delivered today with the new Rotel RCD 1072 (another purchase I am making before hearing!) Any amplifier suggestions to mate with the Syrah with this combination?
Lastly, is the Cortese worth double the money? Thanks in advance to anyone who responds to this post.
Fiddler: yea, you must right. I mean, what could I possibly know? If you need to defend a cognitive position so emotively, then I will let you have it, and stay there.

My exchange with fiddler, and those fiddler-like, has taught me something; it is a question to myself, arising over and over, about such things, collectively speaking, that I will now answer. Enjoy your pre's gentlemen.

Bwhite, I have several Mullard/Amperex 5AR4 vintages (so technically not GZ34, but the equivalent) and they all sound the same. Very consistent from tube to tube.

I have tried the stock 5Z4GT, the GZ 32, the CV5745/GZ33, Bendix 6106 and the Mullard 5AR4's and I much prefer the 5AR4/GZ34 to anything else.
Hi Baranya, this is Slowhand. I am the guy that started this thread and I still have my Syrah. I have enjoyed it from day one and have no, I repeat no plans to sell it. The first thing I do each day when I get home from work is to turn my system on and relax with some music. I doubt if I ever sell my Syrah. I know that Mick makes the more expensive pre's, but I am perfectly happy with the Syrah. I agree with the posts that suggest getting a Supratek pre with both line stage and phono stage. Even if you don't use the phono stage right now, you will someday if you want to hear what these preamps will really do. As for amp suggestions, I am using a Berning ZH270 amp and it is a beautiful match with my Syrah. Place your order with Mick, you will not regret it and it is worth the wait.
Well, I have been comparing the Cortese(stock tubes) to the the Syrah (stock tubes). Thus far I am only listening the line stage with my Resolution Audio Opus 21 player. The Cortese is better by what I consider a small margin. More refined and and in control is what I would say. Then my NOS tubes showed up. I ordered these based on the info Bwhite gave me on what NOS tubes to use in the Syrah. Thank you so much Bwhite and others. Your ears are very good. Now going head to head, the Syrah with a Mullard 5AR4/GZ34 and the Ken Rad black glass VT-231's vs. stock tube Cortese!

The winner - very close and it just comes down to personal taste. The bottom line is for the money the Syrah with these three tubes is a better value to me. It is half the price and with NOS's almost all of the sound, if not all, in the line stage anyway. I understand the phono is better on the Cortese also. I am still looking for KT-66's Genalex or 350B's. I am sure this will put the Syrah in the giant killer league. These last tubes just cost to much and I am not sure I will ever pay that much!

I also have a CJ 16LSII in my home for the weekend. I never though CJ was all that good, but I am dead wrong on this one. Forget what you hear about it being slow, thick, lush or whatever. To be frank I feel it bested both the Cortese and Syrah in my system - line stage only, but I cannot afford it even used. It is very transparent and beautiful sounding. It is in the same leauge as the two Supratek units in the highs and mids, however it has a little more bass weight and foundation. I do like this as it makes music sound more live to me! But remember the CJ costs $8500 new! The Syrah with the NOS's costs less than 1/3 and has phono! I also find the Syrah with the NOS tubes mentioned sounded 90% as good as the CJ in my system. Perhaps the KT66's or 350B's would then cause the Syrah to be on par or better than the CJ. This is amazing for the money folks. I mean amazing.

Outside of the costly 350B and KT66, please give me a NOS tube that is affordable to use in the power supply. My Syrah has three tubes like the Cortese in the power supply.
I did open it up and while both have 3 tubes they are very different on the inside. The Cortese has many more parts and is laid out more cleanly.
