Need Recommendations for SS amp for 2 ohm load


I'm in the process of upgrading my Innersound Eros speaker to Roger Sanders new 10b design. As an outcome, I need recommendations for a Solid State Amp that can handle 2ohm impedance and the phase swings along with the capacitance characteristic of the Innersound/Sandersound speakers.

I have the VTL MB450 which is a great amp, but the big tube amp won't be good with the wicked load of the electrostatic speaker.

I really prefer tube amps but the review on 6moon for Sandersounds 10c speaker strongly advise against tube amps due to the digital crossover it uses. My upgraded speaker will be using the same digital crossover, so my search now for a new SS amp that can handle this.

I'm looking in the budget range of $2-4K max...
I would try your VTL's first.

I have Innersound Kaya's and use a Innersound DRP-500 which was the predessor to the Magtech amp. This amp is the best amp I have tried.

The most powerful tube amp I tried was an Audio Valve Challenger mono's at 180 watts per channel. These worked ok but were not ideal. I would love to try some bigger tube amps but the heat they would put off is a concern.

I once asked Atmasphere if his MA-2's would work and he said that they would and he had a client that was using them with my speakers.

The Innersounds and Sanders Sound speakers impedance dips to 2 ohms at 20 khz. If the treble is rolled off with your VTL's I would be concerned but if not then they should drive them just fine.

Sorry just reread your post. I would just get his analog crossover instead. That would solve your problem. The 10b uses a active analog crossover and the 10c uses the digital.

I don't know if you have an analog source but if you ever want one you will have to convert it to digital before you can play it through your speakers with a digital crossover.
That is not an ideal situation.

Thanks for the many suggestions.

Several amps I never thought of, I will investigate those.

Just to respond to the suggestion on the ESL amp, I once had the old Innersound ESL amp, and I felt it was rather bright and had more of the SS edge for my taste. This was years back and I understand the Magtech is generations advance, but not sure how much the sound has changed.

I did try my VTL with my old innersound EROS once before and I blew a new tube after short play. I think there was a bit of reaction between the amp and speaker, so haven't try that again since. May be a fluke but didn't want to take any chances.

The thought of sticking with analogue cross over is tempting, but Roger really pitched the many features that came with the digital cross over. The main selling point was the lower crossover point of 177hz which allow the ESL panel to operate in its intended range and I can now use my pair of 1000 watt subwoofer amps to drive the bass :-)

Roger did offer me a trial period to take the analogue crossover if I change my mind. That is the great thing about Roger, customer satisfaction is a real thing to him!

I don't know if I'm being unrealistic, but I was wondering if there are any hybrid amps - tube input/SS output that could handle such a load. I'm also not sure if the digital crossover would negate the value of a partial Tube amp anyway. Just would like to retain the musicality of tube if possible. Don't know if I shouldn't stretch but just stick with a good solid performing SS amp instead.

05-03-11: Geraldedison
I once had the old Innersound ESL amp, and I felt it was rather bright and had more of the SS edge for my taste.....Roger did offer me a trial period to take the analogue crossover if I change my mind. That is the great thing about Roger, customer satisfaction is a real thing to him!
See if he'll let you do a home trial of the used monoblocks he has for sale. May still be too strident for you, but there is only one way to know...
What is the rest of your system? I use a nice tube preamp. I agree you need some tubes in the system.

I tried a solid state preamp with my system and it was too bright for me. It was a used Innersound RCP-1. Their reference preamp. I spoke with Roger about it and it seems he had left the company before it was released. It did not sound like he had much to do with it's design.

I have listened to his setup at RMAF twice and both times I did not hear any exessive brightness. Both systems were all solid state.

The first time was with the analog crossover. Second time was with the digital crossover. Unfortunatley I was unable to listen to my own music the second time because he did not have a cd player in the room. He only had a hard drive setup.
