How Much Difference Does a More Powerful Amp Make?

When would you notice a real difference in sound quality with a more powerful amplifier?

I have a Simaudio W-7 driving Dynaudio Sapphires, and at some point, I may upgrade to Sonus Faber Amati Futuras.

My W-7 is 150 watts at 8 Ohms, and Simaudio makes the W-8 at 250 W at 8 Ohms. Would I notice any difference if I moved to the more powerful amp in a medium-sized room (14' x 22' x 8')?

The Sapphires are 89 db efficient, the Futuras are around 90 Db, but I've read that with most speakers, the more power the better.
If one listens to music at levels that come near the levels one might hear at a live venue, and that includes unamplified concerts, under powered amps can be subject to clipping during peaks. Fairly high powered SS amps without global feed back have been available since at least the 1980's. Some ss Class AB amps lines are able to stay closer to a Class A bias longer, as their total power output levels increase.
"The other downside of powerful amps is that they feature many output devices (by "output device", I mean output transistors in the case of solid-state amps and output tubes in the case of tube amps). All of those devices muck up the sound in systems that are otherwise high resolution because, among other reasons, it is very difficult to match output device pairs, every device adds noise, and they make the circuit more complex."

Great sounding Coda Technologies S5, 50W/8ohm class A (no global feedback) has 60 output devices. As for noise it is exceptionally quiet with S/N=120dB.

State of the art Atmasphere MA-3 (also no global feedback) amplifier uses even more output devices (about 40 tubes per channel).

In both cases a lot of output devices doesn't "muck up the sound" but makes it better (at the expense of complexity).
Like someone stated earlier they make a difference for inefficient speakers with low impedence drops, they also make a difference with many multi driver speakers with complex xovers as the xovers are known to eat up as much as half the power before ever reaching the drivers
Metman - that's true, but I would rather have lower power amp that can perfectly drive very low complex loads. 50W/8ohm Coda S5, I mentioned, can output 200W at 2 ohm and according to Stereophile test can even drive 0.47ohm.

Half of the power loss in crossover, that you mentioned, is only 22% of loudness loss.
06-22-11: Raquel
First, it is very difficult to control a high-powered circuit without global feedback and virtually every high-powered amplifier therefore uses it. .....
Raquel, I believe that this is *not* a true statement. I think that you are confusing power amplifier gain with power amplifier (output) wattage. They are different. You need global negative feedback when you have many cascaded gain stages (wherein the power amp has a lot of output to input voltage gain) so that you can keep the entire design stable (oscillation free), lower in distortion & lower in overall noise.
To design a high wattage power amp you need to design in the correct transformer size, the correct number of output devices to handle the output current, the correct size & quantity of power supply caps to handle the charge being delivered to the load. This can be done using minimal number of power amplifier gain stages (for example, Pass does this often with just 2 gain stages hence he can avoid global negative feedback & still deliver to the market a X600 beast of an amplifier).

Also, you use the term "high-powered circuit". what, according to you, is a "high-powered circuit"?? you probably mean 'high wattage circuit'? Might be better to use the correct terminology to avoid ambiguity esp. if you are sharing some of your technical views on a subject. Just FYI.