Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
Mlkiz - I can recall myself being at wits end several years ago when I purchased my first Supratek. The wait was a miserable experience for me. The longer the wait went on, the more I thought about canceling the order out of sheer frustration. I am the kind of guy who likes "instant gratification" when I spend money, and when buying a Supratek, NOTHING is instant.

Once I received (and listened to) the Supratek, I understood and I forgave. It was instantly clear that the wait was well worth the end result.

You know... There is one advantage of the long wait - perhaps it has a lot to do with the high resale value on the used market.
Jazzdude, Fiddler, Bwhite:
Nicely put. As I await my Chenin, I keep telling myself that the wait will be worth it. As an unabashed disciple of instant gratification, I check my email every day saying "this will be the day Mick says it's ready to go".

The more I follow this thread the more I am sure that Mick is doing the right thing, and not rushing things just to get them out the door. Art takes time. Those who understand the value of the art and the artisan understand this.

Everyone has had to wait; and everyone agrees the wait was worth it. Whenever the impatience creeps in in, just remind yourself how great your music will sound. And, hey, if its not what you expected, you won't have any trouble selling it. Sounds like a win/win situation to me.
What do you guys use/suggest to use with the Syrah/Chenin to get your "prefered" HT or music system. The CHenin seems the way I will go (great feedback from this thread and great price). But since I am starting from scratch, I would like some input for the other pieces of the puzzle. Thanks.
I understand it that it is one man factory, and it is taking time to do such a statement product, I understand that it is taking half year to finally get one. What I do not understand and cannot comprehend why when I asked him in March (I told him that I’m not in any harry and he can take his time) he said that I will have it in 6 weeks! Why he just could not say it would take 6 months ? I do not know like you, but I prefer painful truth them pleasant promises he knew cannot meet. I asked him again I was told that soon. Does anybody knows what soon in Australia means ?
Instead this nice soon I would really prefer 3 months answer, and 3 months would mean 3 months exactly and not even one day more!!!
Sorlowski its kind of like this, you are going out on this blind date that your buddy's wife set-up for you and she is supposedly the cat's meow you see and you have this great anticipation as you go to her place to pick her up. She keeps you waiting and waiting until your anticipation turns to apprehension and you start getting agitated and questioning how you got talked into this mess in the first place and then......finally she makes her entrance and you are entranced by her, totally completely.

OK I admit I got a bit mellow dramatic on that one but I only used it cause it happened exactly like that, same with the Syrah but much worse and a lot longer. After waiting 7 months after being told it would be 3, I can understand the frustration and aggravation. To add further to the wait, several of the tubes were trashed, the power cable was missing and this by the Custom goons who cut a hole into the package and apparently threw everything back into the box without any type of human courtesay to do the right thing and package it the way they found it. You talk about being pissed off and irate. When I passed this info on to Mick his response was he was going to Fed-x me ANOTHER Syrah to replace my damaged one, immediately. Well the damage wasn't so bad after I cooled off, the lacquor finish was cracked on a couple of the edges but was easily repaired and the chrome was intact. The short side of this sad tale is that when I finally got this pre-amp running (about a week after I received it) all my aggravation and frustration were replaced by an instant smile and joy at the whole affair. No I wasn't happy about the custom a-holes, or the wait but it just didn't matter anymore it was all worth it in the end.

Mick is an optimist, keep that in mind. He sure means to have the pre to you in 3 months but I expect his intentions are a little ahead of the reality of his work load. Don't worry, be happy!