Direct coupled tube preamp?

Anyone have any experience with a tube preamp that doesn't use output coupling capacitors? I think the Atma-Sphere preamps don't use them. Otherwise, I'm drawing a blank.
Audio Electronics AE-3 DJH is direct coupled. It's essentially a baby brother to the Cary SLP98. It's fantastic sounding and mates well with tubes or SS.
I second Mofimadness and Macdadtexas above. The Cary SLP-98 F1 is a stone killer at its price.
MacDadtexas,how much is the Cary SLP98p F-1? Do you have the direct couple version?
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I really like the red and black color and looks of the SLP-98.
You can find them on here, used, for about $2500, a bit less if it's not the version with the phono stage. You have to make sure it's the F-1 version, and that it is stated it is direct coupled. They don't come that way unless it is expressly stated on the box. Only Upscale audio sells them configured from Cary this way. You can get one new from them, you have to call Kevin there, and sometimes they will make you a very good deal on one.