SS amps with little or NO feedback

I'd like to explore amps with little or no feedback.
Global feedback is a no-no but some feedback a stage at a time may be acceptable.
Any names to look for? Since I want higher power, class 'a' need not apply.

There are enough theoretical problems with my 'd' amp that I'm seriously considering a 'sidegrade'.
thanks for any leads.
Magfan - Global feedback is OK as long as it is applied properly. The key is to get improvements in THD, IMD and DF but not introduce TIM. It can be done by using shallow feedback just to reduce THD to about 0.1% and then limit bandwidth at the input to one that amp had without feedback. It is always compromise but amp has to be linear and have wide bandwidth to start with. So, I would accept small amount of feedback but would run away from amps with great specifications like THD=0.01%

What "theoretical" problems you have with your class D?