Modern Linestages

This is a general question about how complex and expensive some linestages have become. I'm looking to understand why? I can grasp that really good volume controls are complicated and that equally good switches are not inexpensive. I also have a general understanding of the importance of a high quality power supply, which again is not going to come cheap. I just don't comprehend how you get to a 50lbs. plus preamps that cost well over $20k. Is this level of complexity really needed or is it the equivalent of the spate of 500hp "sedans" for every day driving?
Hi Grannyring,you must have posted just seconds before me, Your case is well made using the Dude preamp as an example.
Simplicity doesn't mean inexpensive, but again we're talking about linestages! A linestage only controls the volume and source, so why shouldn't they be somewhat simple? For the following example I'm going to use product weight as a proxy for component complexity.

As a point of comparison I gather some data about 8 top of the range linestages. In the first group I put EMM Labs, Pass Labs, BAT and EAR. The average price is $13,125 and the average weight is 48lbs. In the second group I put Soulution, MBL, Constellation and Boulder. The price average is $38,700 and the weight is 88lbs. Roughly speaking, the second group is 3x as expensive and 2x the weight of the first group of linestages.

I freely admit that my groupings are totally arbitrary, limited and thereby possibly misleading, but I think it makes a certain point. Each of the companies and/or designers have impressive track records of producing superb quality products. I make the assumption that each company could produce any product they envision and that they have the imagination/brilliance to conceive at the state of the art level. Yet there seems to be a clear dividing line as to what is the vision of a top grade linestage. While still very expensive, one grouping is much less expensive than the other as well as being significantly less complex.
Onhwy61, haven't we visited this issue before?? What a manufacturer charged has nothing to do with cost of production. They will charge whatever someone is willing to pay for it.

If it cost $.01 to produce and supply is low but demand is high, they can charge as much as the market is willing to pay. SIMPLE!
When looking at the manufacturers costs to build a preamp lets be sure we understand that "audiophile" capacitors and other components like transformers, chokes, etc. should be based on wholesale, not retail costs. What I pay for a capacitor as a consumer is not necessarily what I pay for them as a manufacturer. Don't forget to add labor into the equation as well. Someone has to be paid to put it all together.

Other than that I think Knghifi nailed it. Simple circuit or not manufacturers will charge what the market dictates.
You can attend a fancy orchestra with excellent season seats for several years for the prices mentioned in this thread.

As the original post mentioned, it is just a linestage.

The time and resources that a stereo company spent making a $20k linestage is time and resources they did not spend to bring the costs down and distribute their product to "the masses".

You want to know why this hobby is dying? This thread is a perfect example. Why should sane people go for a $20k linestage rather than excellent seats at live performances? Go ahead, tell people you meet that you spent $20k on a linestage, go to the unemployment office and shout it and see what you get.