Modern Linestages

This is a general question about how complex and expensive some linestages have become. I'm looking to understand why? I can grasp that really good volume controls are complicated and that equally good switches are not inexpensive. I also have a general understanding of the importance of a high quality power supply, which again is not going to come cheap. I just don't comprehend how you get to a 50lbs. plus preamps that cost well over $20k. Is this level of complexity really needed or is it the equivalent of the spate of 500hp "sedans" for every day driving?
I don';t know anything about circuit design, so I can't comment on Rhyno's statement, but regardless of whether or not a line stage has an easy job, IME, the pre-amp is the heart of any system. One of the most important things to get right. I will also say that the three pre-amps I have enjoyed the most are a VAC Ren MK2, a Doshi Alaap, and a Lightspeed Attenuator (OK, OK, not exactly a line stage but functionally equivalent) which in terms of list price cover a range of about 20X.
I would certainly expect that I should pay a far higher tax rate on that portion of my money I use to purchase a $20,000 preamp than the money that I use to pay for heating bills and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for my kids.
It's the increasing complexity of the products that seems to be driving the cost upwards. Implicit in my comments is a belief that linestages really shouldn't be that complex a device.

I don't necessarily think it's the increasing complexity of the products that drives the cost up. After all an Audio Consulting Silver Rock is at minimum $13k, and no one is going to convince me the passive Silver Rock is a complex linestage.

However, I'm in complete agreement with the second sentence. It's the reason I now favor passive linestages. To me simpler is better and passive linestages are among the simplest designs. In comparisons I've done with my Slagle autoformer and Lightspeed attenuator (which I have compared to the Silver Rock), both hold up very well against more complex and/or costlier designs.
Is it only a matter of time before someone releases an 8 chassis linestage weighing 300 lbs. and costings $150,000. And I'm sure some will say that's progress.
So what, it's not your $$. As long the seller and buyer are satisfied with the transaction, why do you care??

The idea that the manufacturers of these products are charging "what the market will bear" is somewhat insulting to the people who buy these products.
No, it's personal responsibility. CAVEAT EMPTOR!! Noone is forcing anyone to make the purchase. If they are satisfied with the purchase, then it's not insulting to them.

Onhwy61, I think you just don't understand free market and capitalism and is stuck in the weeds. We just go round and round in these same old threads periodically.

Swampwalker, I agree with you the preamp is the heart of a system. I was playing around with different combinations of components and found the common denominator to magic is when my preamp in the chain.
Yeah, well, a whole lot of wind but the answer is obvious, $20k for a preamp and watch this hobby die.