Modern Linestages

This is a general question about how complex and expensive some linestages have become. I'm looking to understand why? I can grasp that really good volume controls are complicated and that equally good switches are not inexpensive. I also have a general understanding of the importance of a high quality power supply, which again is not going to come cheap. I just don't comprehend how you get to a 50lbs. plus preamps that cost well over $20k. Is this level of complexity really needed or is it the equivalent of the spate of 500hp "sedans" for every day driving?
08-26-11: Goldeneraguy
...I dont understand why so many here complain about the cost or knock others that purchased one of these so called over priced items.

As for me, I never complain about the price, or a company's profit margins, we are all free to buy or not to buy. What does get a bit of a rise out of me is the belief that you get what you pay for and more expensive means better - it ain't necessarily so, at least not beyond a certain price point, one which I think is lower than most would suspect. At least as sound quality goes, and then there are several aspect of a product that can be quite costly that have little to nothing to do with sound but cosmetics, ergonomics, and pride of ownership (bling factor).
Goldeneraguy, I for one wasn't complaining about the price of items or knocking those who buy them. I simply observed that a new, very much higher price level seems to have emerged for top of the line preamps. Is it not a fair question to ask what prompts a tripling in price for what essentially should be a fairly simple electronic device? Could you provide an example of a linestage manufacturer who's product pricing bears no relation to his manufacturing/marketing/distribution costs?

Knghifi, how did I know you would sidestep the questions? I'm just glad I live in a society where people can make outrageous claims and then not back them up. It's all part of the price for a free society.
Pubul57 , In the old days or golden era as I refer to it.Very few good sounding components also looked good.In fact some not only didn't appeal to the eye the construction was also shabby.Yet,they still sounded good.At least I thought they sounded good but then again I was new to this hobby.
Over time the WAF forced designers to consider better cosmetics.I agree that many of todays components are overdone and that the added value does not warrant the new retail prices but as you stated we are all free to buy or not.
You have a very nice system,Enjoy it.
Naturally all products are marketed with consideration to cost.What I was referring to was that there are no strict norms as to mark-up.All products will sell for whatever the market will bear.It is for the consumer to say yea or nay
Naturally all products are marketed with consideration to cost.What I was referring to was that there are no strict norms as to mark-up.All products will sell for whatever the market will bear.

This statement is just not supported by the facts of this industry. Believe it or not, its rather competitive so if someone comes out with an over-priced product they may have troubles selling it. As a result most manufacturers stick to a fairly simple markup formula.