MSB M202 compared to Pass XA.5

I own Pass XA160.5 amps and was recently told that the MSB mono blocks have more power, are Class A and sound more neutral than the Pass amps. Has anyone heard MSB amps? Can anyone describe how they sound and compare to other large Class A amps? Their casework reminds me of the older Pass Aleph amps with heatsinks on all sides.
That's funny, Rtn1.

"You have to go see that movie, it's neutral."

"It's the best restaurant in town, completely neutral."

"I think I'm in love, she's so neutral."

FWIW, I'd characterize my Pass INT-30A as warmish, compared to the A/AB it replaced. I think of that as a very good thing.

Mitch, herein lies the problem. Every-other-day, there is a reviewer or dealer touting some break-through product. These typically feature a designer with several decades experience in the aeronautical/space/defense industry, with translation of a very special material of mystical properties. First they try to convince us of the designers scrupples and higher moral standing, in addition to their ingenuity for setting new standards in quality, craftsmanship, and value. Then they say the entire listening experience has been redefined - more real than what they reviewed last month. Blah...blah...blah.
It is fun and natural to go and listen to other systems. However, if you don't hear anything missing from your system and you are happy. Then enjoy. A good system and sound is one that I find I don't want to get up from. If hours later you are still there and happily listening, then wonderful. If the system sound or something is causing you to not want to sit and listen, then something is wrong. I still have this problem with certain equipment and manufacturers. Some very high end equipment still drives me out of the room. like a high tweeter pointed at my ear. But switch that piece of equipment out with something else and wow! I'm there.

So, if you are happy, then be happy and enjoy. If something is missing in your mind, then have fun fixing it.

I had heard them this past summer at the Audio Show here in Northern California. I recalled that the overall sound was actually pretty decent, definitely worth auditioning. They look like circular version of the Aleph 2s with heat sinks all around.

I have not heard the XA .5 series, but am familiar with Pass house sound as I've been using Nelson Pass products for a long time.


any update here on your end? Just curious if you've found out more about these msb monos. thanks for any updates.